To make an exact copy or copies of (genetic material, a cell, or an organism).
a Smalltalk copy of a GemStone object
To make an exact copy. LiveVault Online Backup Service backs up files by replicating them from Agent computers to backup servers.
Used here to describe the ability of HIV to make copies of itself.
A smaller version of the full sample. The full sample is selected from the DMA universe, based on a specific sample design. Smaller samples are then selected from the full sample, using that same sample design. These smaller samples are called replicates. Replicates are utilized to achieve a representative sample prior to installation of the full sample, which in turn allows reporting of estimates prior to installation of the full sample (in this case referred to as our Preliminary Data Period).
one of several identical experiments, procedures or samples.
To duplicate experiments, procedures or samples.
Analyzing the same sample twice; should yield very similar results.
To repeat an evaluation with all essentials unchanged.
To store an identical copy of a data object on a different physical resource. Provides redundancy/backup in case of failure of a physical resource. Facilitates faster access if, when accessing a data object, you access the one closest to you. The user can choose a particular replica to work with, or the SRB will pick one if one is not specified.
To make a copy or duplicate of something.
Two or more duplicate tests, samples, organisms, concentrations, or exposure chambers.
process by which a virus makes copies of itself.
to produce an exact copy of the original DNA strand
Representative sub-sample, which is systematically selected from the entire sample.
(v) To be or make a copy of something