Definitions for "Specifier"
A species, specimen, or apomorphy cited in a phylogenetic definition of a name as a reference point that serves to specify the clade to which the name applies.
Species cited in a phylogenetic definition as an independent phylogenetic reference point
Keywords:  dir, tuple, bidirect, uid, anchor
a tuple (uid, aid, dir, pres), where uid is the identifier of a concept, aid is the identifier of an anchor, dir is a direction (FROM, TO, BIDIRECT, or NONE), and pres is a presentation specification
a word or expression (or morphological marker) that establishes the referential type of the expression it specifies
In X-bar theory in linguistics, specifiers, head words, and complements together form phrases. Specifiers differ from complements because they precede the head and are not subcategorized for. For example, noun phrases can be preceded by words (sometimes phrases) like the, no, some, every, John's and my mother's.
An expression of a value or sequence of values, either as hexadecimal (e.g., 0xffe9, 0x60), ascii (e.g., 'x', 'A string'), a label (e.g., K_Delete) or a mouse definition (e.g., M3, Mouse0). The number of labels understood is limited and is displayed in the X Keys menu of the key map dialog box.
a string that represents a Class Server internal ID
a person or organization who provides and submits to Openlyinformation covered under this agreement
An elusive list designation, particularly at larger businesses, that indicates the name of the individual who can specify or purchase a product or service. In many cases the specifier is not the individual who enters the order.
The designer or printing production worker who determines the types of paper to be used under various circumstances.
One who designates the kind of paper or board to be selected for a particular use.
In declarations, an indication of storage class, fundamental data type, or other property of the object or function being declared.
someone who draws up specifications giving details (as for obtaining a patent)
Keywords:  molecule, unique, database, name
A unique name for a molecule in the database.