A mound or ridge of soil formed across a road or trail for the purpose of deflecting water onto the adjacent area, usually into the forest litter.
V-shaped trench cut into the surface of a road, which collects water and channels it off the road surface, to avoid erosion.
A diversion ditch and/or hump installed across a trail or road to divert runoff from the surface before the flow gains enough volume and velocity to cause soil movement and erosion, and deposit the runoff into a dispersion area. Water bars are most frequently used on retired roads, trails, and landings.
A diversion ditch or hump in a trail or road for the purpose of diverting surface water runoff into roadside vegetation, duff, ditch or dispersion area to minimize soil movement and erosion.
a shoulder or berm constructed across the road that intercepts water running down both the road and the ditch line and forces it across the road
A diagonal ditch or speed bump in a road or skid trail that diverts surface water runoff to a stable area to reduce soil erosion from the road.
ditches or boards which cross a road at an angle and divert water flow to prevent gully formation.
a small earth berm or dam constructed at an angle across a skid road or trail to direct surface water to a stable vegetated surface or filter strip.
A long mound of dirt constructed to prevent soil erosion and water pollution by diverting drainage from a road or skid trail into a filter strip.
A shallow trench or diversion dam which diverts roadside ditch and surface water runoff from roads (inactive or closed), firebreaks, or skid trails (active or inactive) into a dispersion area. Water bars are used to minimize erosion and provide conditions for natural or artificial revegetation.
a ditch and hump across a trail or road tied into the uphill side for the purpose of carrying water runoff into the vegetation, duff, ditch, or dispersion area so it does not gain the volume and velocity which causes soil movement and erosion.
A mound of soil built across a light-duty road, skid trail or trail, or fireline for the purpose of diverting surface water onto porous forest soil.