After a long session or play, some submissives may experience effects from their body being used in shock from the pain. (trembling, feeling of cold)
a seismic event which occurs, often repeatedly, after an earthquake. Compare with mainshock.
a tremor (or one of a series of tremors) occurring after the main shock of an earthquake
an earthquake of lesser magnitude that follows the main earthquake
a smaller earthquake in the same area as the main earthquake
Any earthquake which occurs after a larger earthquake (a mainshock) within one rupture-length of the original fault rupture and before the seismicity rate in that area has returned to the background (pre-mainshock) level is generally considered an aftershock. For some earthquakes, a specific "aftershock zone" may be defined, in lieu of the one-rupture-length rule given above.
ground shaking that occurs after the main shock of an earthquake.
An earthquake that occurs after a "mainshock" (or larger earthquake). Aftershocks occur in the same general region as the "mainshock" and result from readjustments of stress at places along the fault zone. For great earthquakes (M=8) aftershocks may occur over hundred's of kilometres. Depending on the size, and depth of the earthquake, aftershocks may occur for many months after the mainshock. However, both the size, and the rate of aftershock activity dies off quickly with time.
An earthquake which follows a larger earthquake or main shock and originates at or near the focus of the larger earthquake. Generally, major earthquakes are followed by a larger number of aftershocks, decreasing in frequency with time.
Aftershocks are small earthquakes that occur after a large earthquake.
Quakes with smaller magnitude, which follow the larger quakes, their number are in a neighbourhood of more than a hundred or a thousand. They could do serious damage to the buildings damaged by the main quake despite their smaller magnitude.
Aftershocks are involuntary muscle contractions which occur after orgasm. The name is derived from the aftershocks which follow an earthquake. It is not clear whether aftershocks are part of the conclusion of an orgasm or are themselves a form of multiple orgasms.