A Welsh word for high valley. In the case of Everest, it is the high valley formed by the west shoulder of Everest, Lhotse and Nuptse.
(pronounced coom) A valley on the side of a hill or mountain.
(From: Closed world machine; valley.) A bit of code for playing with this stuff, as grep is for regular expressions. Sucks in RDF in XML or N3, processes rules, and spits it out again.
a steep-walled semicircular basin in a mountain; may contain a lake
Welsh spelling for corrie
Pronounced koom, it is a Welsh word for steep walled circular valley.
gaelic: valley] see "cirque"
a hanging valley, usually bowl shape - related to the word 'combe' which is used in Cumbria, (a 'corrie' in Scotland)
welsh term for a cirque. The high, glaciated, southwest valley encircled by Everest, Lhotse and Nuptse was named the Western Cwm by George Mallory on a 1920 British Expedition.