Definitions for "Indirect Source"
A facility, building, structure or installation, or combination thereof, which indirectly results in emissions of an air contaminant as a result of traffic greater than 20,000 or more vehicles per day within 10 years of construction; any new or modified facility which provides in excess of 1,000 new parking spaces; or any new or modified airport with more than 50,000 operations per year by regularly scheduled air carriers, or used by 1,600,000 or more passengers per year.
a paraphrase, quotation, or graphic you wish to borrow that already appears as a cited source in one of your references
Any facility, building, structure, or installation, that causes increased mobile source pollution, such as car traffic. Examples of indirect sources include employment sites, shopping centers, sports facilities, housing developments, airports, commercial and industrial development, and parking lots and garages.