Definitions for "Kidney stones"
Minerals, like calcium, sometimes form stones in the kidneys.
Recommendation Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)" Vitamin B6 deficiency leads to an increase in kidney stones as a result of elevated urinary oxalate levels..."
A pebble-like substance that forms where urine is collected in the body and hurts when it is passed during urination (passing urine). Can be caused by drugs (Crixivan) and can be reduced by drinking lots of water.
(this one is just wrong and we don't suggest you ever try it, it will almost certainly result in jail time) While performing anal on your girlfriend put a razor blade in her vagina. As soon as she feels it and starts screaming bloody murder punch her in the kidney and make her pass it all over you.
Hard, unyielding material produced by the kidney. May lodge in the kidney or pass through the ureter, the bladder and finally the urethra to the outside of the body.
small hard objects, mainly composed of phosphate or urate, that form in the kidneys Return to previous page
A mass of hard material in the kidney.
Keywords:  groin, abdomen, question, pain, front
Our Question about pain at lower front of abdomen"...back and sides of the abdomen, lower front of the abdomen and groin area..."