Definitions for "Reinstate"
To place again in possession, or in a former state; to restore to a state from which one had been removed; to instate again; as, to reinstate a king in the possession of the kingdom.
Restore a past-due loan to a current status. Also, to renew insurance coverage after a lapse.
restore to the previous state or rank
In certain circumstances, it may be possible to 're-start', or reinstate a policy where premiums have been unpaid for some time. Conditions vary amongst companies and depending on the policies.
To put a policy back in force after it has lapsed
In certain circumstances, it may be possible to 're-start', or reinstate a policy where premiums have been unpaid for some time. Conditions for different companies and different policies vary.
The payment of money sufficient to cure all amounts past due including reasonable fees and costs incurred because of a default on a loan.
To cure a default under a note secured by a deed of trust.
Preventing foreclosure by curing the default.
To make current again.
In delinquent deeds of trust, the time prior to exercising the power sale in which the errant borrower may bring the loan current.
The process of returning material that had been declared missing to the collection. Reinstatements are reported on a Change-in-Status form
The action of changing a proposal with a status of rejected to a status of locked.
The process of re-adding an item to the collection after it has been withdrawn