The CSU is a device that connects a terminal to a digital line. Typically, the two devices are packaged as a single unit. The DSU is a device that performs protective and diagnostic functions for a telecommunications line. You can think of it as a very high-powered and expensive modem. Such a device is required for both ends of a T-1 or T-3 connection, and the units at both ends must be set to the same communications standard.
Hardware that connects T1 lines and routers on the Eastern Shores wide area network. The CSU/DSU converts the data from the T1 line into a format the router can understand.
hannel ervice nit/ ata ervice nit. A device used for terminating a T1.
(Customer Service Unit/Digital Service Unit) A device that converts V.35 or RS-449 signals to a properly coded T1 transmission signal.
A hardware device that converts a digital data frame from the communications technology used on a LAN into a frame appropriate to a WAN and vice versa. A CSU/DSU is typically an external hardware device or a T1 WAN card.
Customer Service Unit/Digital Service Unit. An interface for connecting a computer or other device to a digital medium. A modem is the analog equivalent of a CSU/DSU.
Customer Service Unit/Digital Service Unit. A hardware device that provides a digital interface to high-speed leased lines (see T1). Looks and acts like a modem, also referred to as a "digital modem". However, CSU/DSU does not MODulate or DEModule analog (voice) signals, it deals with digital signals from end to end.
Customer Service Unit/Data Service Unit
CSUs and DSUs are usually grouped together. They convert carrier line signals to digital signals.
(Channel Services Unit/Digital Services Unit): A device that is the demark point and interface used between equipment and a digital circuit, typically a T-1 or ISDN circuit. It offers protection and serves as a diagnostic point.
(Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit) is a hardware device about the size of an external modem that converts digital data frames from the communications technology used on a local area network (LAN) into frames appropriate to a wide-area network (WAN) and vice versa.
Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit -- The DSU is a device that performs protective and diagnostic functions for a telecommunications line. The CSU is a device that connects a terminal to a digital line. Typically, the two devices are packaged as a single unit. You can thnk of it as a very high-powered and expensive modem. Such a device is required for both ends of a T-1 or T-3 connection, and the units at both ends must be from the same manufacturer.
Channel Server Unit/Digital Server Unit. A device used to terminate telephone company equipment and prepare data for router interface.
Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit isolates your network from your exchange carrier's network. It also receives the timing, low-level framing information, and data passed from the termination point. CSU/DSUs are specific to the general circuit type.
See Channel Service Unit - Data Service Unit
Channel service unit/data service unit. Provides electromagnetic termination of the digital (WAN) signal at the customer premises. Performs line conditioning and equalization functions, and responds to loopback commands sent from the central office. In North America, the customer supplies the device providing CSU/DSU functionality; outside North America, the telecommunications service provider usually provides this device.
A device that terminates a digital channel. In this context, the device sits between the voice T1 line and the IP PBX.
Channel Service Unit / Data Service Unit. Components for the connection of customer-premise computer equipment to a network.
A device which includes the CSU and the DSU in the same unit.
Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit - A device to terminate a digital channel on a CustomerĂ¢â‚¬(tm)s premise. It performs certain line coding, line-conditioning and equalization functions, and responds to loop back commands sent from the Central Office. A CSU sits between the digital line coming in from the central office and devices such as channel banks or data communications devices. It is found in every digital link and allows the transfer of data at a range greater than 56 Kbps.
Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit. The CSU is a device that connects a terminal to a digital line. The DSU is a device that performs protective and diagnostic functions for a telecommunications line. Typically, the two devices are packaged as a single unit. Such a device is required for both ends of a T-1 or T-3 connection.
Channel Service Unit/Digital Service Unit
(Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit): A device to terminate a digital telephone channel on a customer's premises (commonly used to terminate T1 or higher bandwidth connections). daemon. A UNIX term for a program that runs constantly, listening for requests for a particular connection or service (which it will answer and then spawn off a child process to fulfill).
A CSU/DSU (Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit) is a digital-interface device used to connect a router to a digital circuit such as a T1 or T3 line.