Digital Access Cross-Connect System A digital switching facility interconnection device. A DACS allows reconfiguration of lower levels of capacity within a circuit without the need for manual changes in the interconnections. A DACS is similar to a Mux, but a DACS permits software changes which would require physical changes with a MUX.
Digital Alarm Communicator System. A system in which signals are transmitted from a digital alarm communicator transmitter (DACT) located at the protected premises through the public switched telephone network to a digital alarm communicator receiver (DACR).
Digital Access Cross-connect System. A network central office device which enables any T1 facility or any of a T1's 24 channels to be switched or cross-connected to one or more T1 (DS1), DS3 or other high-order facilities.
Digital Audio Communications System
See Digital Access Cross-Connect System.
An acronym for Digital Access Carrier System.
Digital switching system for routing T1 lines, and DS-0 portions of lines, among multiple T1 ports.
Digital Access Cross-connect System. Included as part of public and private digital networks, a DACS may commonly switch DS3, DS1 and DS0 signals and is useful for configuring complex networks. A DACS is not a substitute for an MCU.
Digital Access & Cross-Connect System. A digital cross-connect device used to route lines to multiple ports.
igital ccess and ross-connect ystem. Equipment operated by a telco to interconnect T1 or DS-0 channel(s) to any other DS-0 channel(s) or T1 line.
(n.) Digital Access Cross-connect System is a switch that enables test access and switching of digital signals in a T system.
time-slot switch which allows T1 or E1 lines to be remapped electronically at the DS-0 (64 kbps) level. Also called DCS or DXS.