a darkly comic story about four desperate people who meet on New Year's Eve and form a surrogate family to help themselves weather the difficulties of their lives
a fine comic novel about four people who all arrive at Topper's House, a quite-tall-enough London building well known to the suicidal, on New Year's Eve
a good novel struggling to find a way out of the limitations of its own gimmick, but ultimately the conceit is so off-beam that one can almost ignore it and flow with the farce
a meandering, pointless and exceedingly dull novel that confuses cliche with profundity, and whiny unattractiveness with depth of character
a novel about four people who meet in an unlikely way and dislike, yet understand each other
a novel about suicide that is, surprisingly, full of life Also Available at eReader
a novel about suicide that's surprisingly full of life and laughter
a pleasant and ingratiating novel, and it shouldn't be