Movie-Joint Photographic Experts group. A compression definition for moving images based on sequences of JPEG images. Of fairly high quality and easy to edit, as each frame is digitized distinctly, M-JPEG requires high bitrates and isn’t nearly as efficient as MPEG standards.
The Motion Joint Photographic Experts Group video compression standard. Based on the JPEG standard developed originally for individual still images. The amount of information contained in even a single second of video is huge. To make digital video recording a practical proposition, therefore, capture cards compress the signal as it's being digitized. M-JPEG is the most commonly used format in home and semi-pro video systems. Captures are written, usually together with audio brought in separately from a soundcard, to one of two types of computer file AVI (audio/video interleaved) or Quicklime. The ultimate file size is determined by the number of frames sampled each second, the amount of compression applied and the length of footage being transferred to disk. The other major compression system currently in use is MPEG.
Motion Joint Photographic Experts Group. A compression technique for moving images which applies JPEG still image compression to each frame of a moving picture sequence. Playback requires a machine capable of decompressing and displaying each JPEG image quickly enough to sustain the required frame rate of the picture sequence. M-JPEG offers the highest resolution during playback, but is the least efficient in storage.