Advance Audio Coding, one of the coding standards adapted in MPEG-2 and MPEG-4, ISO/IEC 13818-7. It has a better compression ratio and audio quality than MPEG-2 Layer 3.
dvanced udio oding, also known as MPEG-2 Part 7, and also MPEG-4 Part 3 in a slightly modified form, is a digital audio encoding and lossy compression format. It was popularized by Apple Computer through its iPod and iTunes Music Store. [more...
A compression format especially designed for sound data, similar to MP3. Using AAC, the sound file size can be dramatically reduced without audible loss in sound quality.
Short for Advanced Audio Coding, a digital compressed audio file format. Used primarily by Apple and its iTunes Music Store, AAC allegedly produces higher-quality audio reproduction than MP3 and requires 30 percent less data to do so. :: Close
An up-and-coming compression format for digital audio. In terms of sound quality and data efficiency, AAC solidly beats the still-popular MP3 format - not surprising, since AAC is a newer, more advanced form of compression. According to some listening tests, AAC files encoded at lower bitrates (like 96 Kbps) sound as good or better than MP3s encoded at higher bitrates (like 128 Kbps) despite their notably smaller size. The current version of the AAC codec was developed as part of the MPEG4 standard. AAC is the audio file format used by Apple in their popular iTunes Music Store.
Advanced Audio Compression coding provides high quality compressed digital music files in the SD format
A new standardized algorithm for compressing audio (often called MPEG4 audio) licensed by MPEG including the intellectual property of several companies comprising Dolby Labs and others . (See also, algorithm, MPEG2, MPEG3, apt-X, AC-3). AC-2 operates at a sample frequency of 48KHz.
Advanced Audio Coding. A successor to MP3, which allows lower bit rates whilst maintaining higher quality. Used by Apple for its popular iTunes music player.
Advanced Audio Coding. An audio codec used increasingly for downloaded music files, streaming-media, and satellite-radio applications.!-- google_ad_client = "pub-6351068995715539"; google_alternate_color = "CCFFCC"; google_ad_width = 120; google_ad_height = 240; google_ad_format = "120x240_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; google_ad_channel ="3135690862"; google_color_border = "FFFFFF"; google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; google_color_link = "336633"; google_color_url = "000000"; google_color_text = "000000";
Stands for Advanced Audio Coding and refers to two types of audio files: MPEG-2 AAC and MPEG-4 AAC, both of which produce higher quality audio than MP3s while taking up less hard drive space. MPEG-4 AAC files are even better sounding and smaller than MPEG-2 AAC files. This is the file format used by the Apple iPod and sold on iTunes.
Advanced Audio Coding. An alternative technology to MP3.
(Advanced Audio Coding) an audio file format; AAC files use the .aac extension.
Advanced audio coder. An audio-encoding standard for MPEG-2 that is not backward-compatible with MPEG-1 audio.
(also known as Advanced Audio Coder) is an audio encoding format that was supposed to overtake MP3 format but really hasn't taken off.
an, um, advanced version of the widely used MP3 perceptual sub-band/transform codec with additional tools to reduce the encoded data rate while simultaneously reducing encoding artifacts. It is formally known as MPEG-2 AAC.
Advanced Audio Coding. A file format from the Apple corporation, that can be of slightly higher quality than MP3 (it forms part of the basis of the MPEG-4 software protocol.) It's not widely supported by companies aside from Apple, but for iPod users, it can be a great way to encode music.
Is a format based on MPEG-2 audio which uses less physical space and produces better audio quality than MPEG-3.
Advanced audio coding. A digital music format manly used for the internet.
AAC stands for either MPEG2 Advanced Audio Coding or MPEG4 Advanced Audio Coding. The MPEG2 audio-encoding standard of the format is not backward-compatible with MPEG1 audio. MPEG2 AAC can produce better audio quality than MP3 using less physical space for the files. MPEG4 AAC can produce better quality and smaller files than MPEG2 AAC. AAC is the audio file format used by Apple in their popular iTunes Music Store. Files may appear on your system with the ".M4A" filename extension. View AAC to MP3 or WAV Converter.
Advanced Audio Coding, the efficient, compressed audio file format that’s standard on the iPod and iTunes.
Also called MPEG-4 AAC, this audio codec is the continuation of the MP3 codec created by Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Due to advances in the technology, AAC files encoded at a 96 kbps bit rate sound slightly better than MP3s encoded at 128 kbps.
A.k.a. MPEG-2 AAC or MPEG-2 NBC (Not Backward Compatible). An audio compression scheme defined as part of the MPEG-2 standard, which offers better sound and a roughly 30 percent superior compression ratio compared to that of MPEG-1 MP3.
Advanced Audio Coder. An audio-encoding standard for MPEG-2; it is not compatible with the older MPEG-1 audio.
"Advanced Audio Coding", next generation audio codec developed by Fraunhofer that seeks to preserve audio quality at lower bitrates. High licensing costs have kept this audio codec from the mainstream
An audio compression format defined by MPEG-4. It's higher quality than MPEG-3 (MP3) and requires less data for audio reproduction.
Stands for Advanced Audio Coding, which based on the MPEG-4 standard. This format is considered somewhat better than MP3 at the same bit rate. AAC is the preferred digital encoding format for Apple Computer and its line of products.
See Adaptive audio coding.