a file format for compressed video
Any of a set of standards established for the compression of digital video and audio data.
A type of digital data compression. MPEG technology is used for audio and video compression on DVD, for encoding digital surround sound (MPEG-2) and for storing audio information downloaded from the Internet (MP-3).
A standard committee under the auspices of the International Standards Organization working on algorithm standards that will allow digital compression, storage and transmission of data at CD-ROM bandwidth. The MPEG algorithm provides inter-frame compression of video images and can have an effective compression rate of 100:1 to 200:1.
otion icture xperts roup. Used to refer to an image-compression scheme for full-motion video they developed, which is ISO-sanctioned. MPEG takes advantage of the fact that full-motion video is made up of manly successive frames, often consisting of large areas that don't change, such as a blue sky background. MPEG "differencing" notes differences, or lack of them, from one frame to the next resulting in a smaller file size. Variations of this format include MPEG-2 which is used for DVDs and MP3 which is a popular format for music files.
Motion Pictures Expert Group compression methods for video, graphics, or audio information.
Motion Pictures Expert Group. MPEG is a proposed international standard for digital video and audio compression
(Motion Picture Experts Group) video compression format used for movie or animation clips on the World Wide Web.
(Motion Picture Experts Group)An image-compression process for full-motion video developed by MPEG. Last Reviewed: 2003-03-01 Page 1 of 1 Page 1 of 1
A compression scheme optimised for moving pictures whereby the potential for compression is based on the similarity of successive pictures.
Motion Picture Experts Group. A standardization organization for video and audio compression. Publishes standards that have the same name than the organization.
Moving Picture Expents (?) Group The name of a family of standards used for coding audiovisual information (movies, video, and music) in a digitally compressed format. MPEG-1 was the first standard developed by the group and coded an audio-visual signal at a bit rate around 1.5Mbps, about the same as VHS. It's primarily used for CD-ROMs and VCDs (Video CD). MPEG-1 provides a resolution of 352x240 at 30pfs in 24bit color. Audio is CD quality with a format of 256Kbps at 48Hz in two channels (stereo). MPEG-2 was designed to produce higher-quality images at higher bit rates (3 to 10Mbps). It delivers true broadcast-quality video at a resolution of 720x486. It's also the standard specified for DVD. MPEG-2 supports AC3 Dolby Digital audio with surround sound, providing up to six separate channels. (4/99)
Motion Picture Experts Group-MPEG-2 is the digital video compression standard used in digital TV. It allows one HDTV program or up to six standard definition TV (SDTV) channels to fit into the same channel space (6MHz) currently used by analog TV.
Motion Pictures Expert Group of the Inter-national Organization for Standardization (ISO) has defined multiple standards for compressing audio and video sequences. Setting it apart from JPEG which compresses individual frames, MPEG compression uses a technique where the differences in what has changed between one frame and its predecessor are calculated and encoded. MPEG is both a type of compression and a video format. “MPEG-1” was initially designed to deliver near-broadcast quality video through a standard speed CD-ROM. Playback of MPEG-1 video requires either a software decoder coupled with a high-end machine, or a hardware decoder. “MPEG-2” is the broadcast quality video found on DVD's. It requires a hardware decoder (e.g.; a DVD-ROM player) for playback. “MPEG-4” is a relatively new standard, now being used in some architectures for streaming media.
otion icture xperts roup - a compression standard for video that greatly reduces the amount of storage which movies occupy. There are several varieties of MPEG, each with slightly different uses.
Motion Picture Experts Group; MPEG4 is a video compression technology and storage format.
A family of standards for encoding audio and video. MPEG-1 Less the VCR quality (1.5 to 3 Mpbs), often used for streaming video MPEG-2 Broadcast quality (5 to 30 Mpbs) often used for video conferencing on Internet2 MPEG-4 A new standard with a wideod quality and data transfer rates. Initial commercial focus is video on demand streaming at higher then MPEG-1 rate but 300-400 kbs MPEG-7 Emerging architectures that include indexing approach compared to content-encoding standard
Abbreviation for Moving Picture Expert Group. Provides a set of digital compression tools specifically designed for video images.
The body that develops data-compression standards for audio and video. Pronounced "em-peg."
Motion Picture Experts Group. A group defining standards for video image compression.
Motion Pictures Expert Group. A bunch of geezers who set up standards for multimedia.
MPEG movie or animation file. This file can be played with QuickTime Player.
ɛmpɛg] An acronym for oving ictures xperts roup, an industry committee that is developing a set of compression standards for moving images (such as film, video and animation) that can be downloaded and viewed on a computer. The MPEG-1 standard yields a video resolution of 352-by-240 at 30 frames/second, while MPEG-2 offers resolutions of 720x480 and 1280x720 at 60 frames/second, with full CD-quality audio. For more information, go to the MPEG Homepage.
MPEG is a hardware codec for compressing video files.
Motion Pictures Experts Group. A standard for compressing moving images for transmission. A file format for encoding video and/or audio data.
A filename extension used to mark MPEG-compressed video.
The Motion Picture Experts Group standard for video compression. It achieves much of its file size reduction by recording only certain critical frames, plus the changes that take place between them. MPEG works best in professional systems where the editor can override automatic settings to make decisions, such as which additional frames should be included in their totality.
MPEG stands for Motion Picture Experts Group and is an acronym for a common video file compression method.
1) Standard format for compressing and storing digital video and audio. 2) Any file using the MPEG format.
Motion Picture Experts Group. Refers to a multimedia graphics format.
Motion Pictures Expert Group. A motion picture compression system.
otion ictures xpert roup compression methods for video, graphics, or audio information.
A series of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards for digital video and audio, designed for different uses and data rates.
The name applied to the digital compression standard for moving video images allowing them to occupy less memory or disk space. Like the JPEG standard it includes options for tradeoffs between storage space and image quality.
Data compression method for full-motion video.
oving icture xperts roup As you can see the full name of the today widely spread MP3 reveals that it is originally coming from a movie compression format. Mehr in der MPeX.net "Was ist MP3?" Sektion. MPeX.net "Was ist MP3?"
A full-motion video compression scheme defined by the Motion Pictures Experts Group.
A working committee which has defined standards for the digital compression and decompression of motion video/audio for use in computer systems. MPEG-2 is the currently dominant standard.
This is an industry organization whose goal is to develop standards and specifications for the encoding, transmission, and decoding of video information over various media and network technologies.
A compression technique for animated (movies etc) images so that the result does not need that much space. Commonly used in VideoCD (CBR 1,15 Mbps), SuperVideoCD (VBR 2,6 Mbps) and DVD (VBR 6 Mbps). MP3 is NOT and one of these
Motion Pictures Experts Group. A group established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that establishes international standards for compression coding of moving pictures and audio programmes. The MPEG-2 standard is widely used for compressing video material (e.g. in the DVB standard).
A common method for digitally encoding video files. See also Quicktime.
Motion Pictures Experts Group, an ISO image standards group.
is a video file format which deals with the data specifically.
Motion Pictures Experts Group. A professional association of motion picture engineers who develops standards for compressing audio and video signal, including the MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video compression algorithms. back to the previous page
See Motion Pictures Experts Group. back to the previous page
An emerging standard of compression for full motion images with the same standard as the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG).
A compression scheme used to compress audio and video content. MPEG requires significant Processing Power to both encode and decode the content.
Motion Pictures Experts Group, which defined a standard compression format for video and sound. It is used to display and hear online movies. WWWebfx Home Page
otion icture xperts roup. A format to make, view, and transfer both digital audio and digital video files.
MPEG stands for Moving Picture Expert Group in charge of the development of standards for coded representation of digital audio and video. There are several audio/video formats which bear this group's name, such as MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4. View MPEG to DVD Burner and AVI to MPEG Converter.
Motion Pictures Experts Group; also refers to the format for files containing moving pictures developed by that group.
A digital video file format commonly used on the World Wide Web.
Standard format, defined by the Movie Producers and Experts Group, for video on the Web.
A group that developed the compression scheme used by StreamWorks tro transmit sound files.
the standard for compressing audio and video files to send over the net
A format for a series of compressed images, to be played as a movie. On UNIX machines, you can use the command mpeg_play.
Moving Picture Expernts Group
Moving Pictures Entertainment Group
(1) An organization, or more correctly a large enough collection of groups that could be called an institution, which among other things developed various data encoding and compressing schemes so an full length movie could be recorded on a five inch disk (a DVD). (2) The standards and the various encoding and compressing schemes developed by MPEG; they have each been given different names such as MPEG-2.
The group that has defined the standards for compressed video transmission. Can also refer to the file format itself.
Motion Picture Experts Groups, a standard for compressing digital video images.
Prounounced em-peg. Usually refers to the digital compression standards and file formats developed by the group rather than to the group itself. MPEG technology allows video to be significantly compressed while retaining quality, making transmission of video over the Internet much more efficient. MPEG and similar technologies have made live Web cameras and streaming network video possible. Back
A processing-intensive standard for data compression for motion pictures that tracks movement from one frame to the next and only stores the data that has changed.
Moving Photographic Experts Group. This is a group which develops standards for digital video and digital audio compression. MPEG can also be referred to as a video format and as a type of compression.
A standards-based audio and video format that you can stream to RealOne Player. You can use MPEG-1 and MPEG-4 video, or the MP3 audio format.
A file extension or a type of encoding. MPEG files are usually encoded movie clips, if not just sound clips.
Sets the standard for digital technology.
Motion Pictures Entertainment Group. A consortium of experts in the entertainment industry that developed the MPEG standard format for digital video and audio.
Audio/Video technology that allows for better than VHS quality video and almost CD quality audio by utilizing advanced compression techniques.
otion icture xperts roup, a committee that develops audio and video standards including MPEG1 used for vcds, MPEG2 used for DVDs and MPEG4 used for DivX and similar codecs. (More)
MPEG is a standard for compressing sound and movie files into a much smaller format. MPEG-2 is the most common format, which is used by both DVD and digital satellite services to deliver high-quality video and sound.
A moving pictures file format. Used to store video clips, animation files, etc...
(Moving Picture Expert Group) A high-quality video format that uses compression to reduce the size of files.
MPEG is a digital compression standard for moving video images that allows the images to occupy less memory or disk space. Like the JPEG standard, it includes options for trading off between storage space and image quality.
An acronym for otion icture xperts roup. They manage the standards for encoding audio and video in digitally compressed forms. With the development of so many new (yet limited) distribution channels for audio and video data the importance of standardized compression schemes is at an all time high. There are several different types of MPEG compression in use today, and within each of those there are different levels of compression. Some compress more than others do. The type and severity of MPEG compression specifically used will depend largely upon the intended distribution channel for the data (DVD, CD-ROM, Internet, etc.).
As one of the method compress a digital data, it is a standard for moving pictures.
A lossy, high-quality CODEC. Comes in several flavors. MPEG1 is used for the VCD format, MPEG2 is used for DVD format video. Both flavors are suitable for distribution of full-motion, full-frame video.
Motion Pictures Expert Group. A series of industry-wide standard multimedia file formats. MovieWorks imports standard MPEG 1, 2 and 4 formats.
Describes the compression of audio signals using high performance perceptual coding schemes. It specifies a family of three audio coding schemes, simply called Layer-1, Layer-2, and Layer-3. From Layer-1 to Layer-3, encoder complexity and performance (sound quality per bitrate) are increasing. The three codecs are compatible in a hierarchical way, i.e. a Layer-N decoder may be able to decode bitstream data encoded in Layer-N and all Layers below N (e.g., a Layer-3 decoder may accept Layer-1,-2,-3, whereas a Layer-2 decoder may accept only Layer-1 and -2.)
Motion Picture Experts Group. An international body that develops standards for video compression; for example, MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4.
The acronym for Moving Pictures Expert Group, MPEG is an international standard for video compression and desktop movie presentation. A special viewing application is needed to run MPEG files on your computer.
An industry committee that is developing a set of compression standards for moving images (i.e., film, video, and animation) that can be down-loaded and viewed on a computer.
A video compression standard used to store video. The MPEG file format includes the MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and MPEG-4 standards.
The acronym for Moving Pictures Expert Group, MPEG is an international standard for video and audio compression.
Motion Picture Expert Group. The abbreviation is used to describe a compression format for digitized video images.
Moving Pictures Experts Group - Compressed format for animation and video files.[Go Back
MPEG stands for the Motion Picture Experts. MPEG is a compression/decompression program for movie and animation files.
Motion Picture Experts Group. MPEG is an international standard for video compression. MPEG-1 is a low-resolution format currently used on the World Wide Web for short animated files. MPEG-2 is a much higher resolution format being developed for digital television and movies. MPEG-4 is increasingly being used in CCTV solutions.
Moving Pictures Experts Group. This is the Digital video format that has changed the way video is watched, not only on computers, but also on DVD's and satellite systems. MPEG's are compressed digital video files that take up far less space than previous video files. This technology allows satellites to beam a larger signal to a smaller dish. MPEG also contains compressed digital audio information that is converted into digital sound tracks.
(Moving Pictures Experts Group): The group that has defined the multimedia compression standard for consumer and professional digital audio and video.
Motion Picture Experts Group MPEG consists of a group of international experts that write ISO standards for moving images. There are several MPEG standards: MPEG-1 digital video at low compression rate), MPEG-2 (digital video), MPEG-4 (integrated multimedia), MPEG-7 (Interactive TV). Compressed video to be used on the Web in its present status would rely on MPEG-1. Video is technically speaking a series of frames that pass by so quickly that our eyes are fooled into viewing content as smoothly moving images. For smooth observed movement we need about 25 frames to pass by our eyes every second. That means 25 bitmap images every second. The web is far too slow for that to be of any practical use. One way of reducing the number of frames is to take out some frames. Another way to reduce file size is to display the video in a small screen window.
(Motion Picture Experts Group) -- A technique for compressing audio and video; not to be confused with Motion-JEPG.
standards developed by (Moving Picture Experts Group) A type of audio/video file found on the Internet. There are three major MPEG standards: MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and MPEG-4.
Stands for "Moving Picture Experts Group." The MPEG organization, which works ...
Moving Pictures Experts Group (develops standards for data compression)
(Motion Picture Experts Group) - a video compression standard; it also denotes a movie file.
Moving Pictures Experts Group.1.An ISO (International Standards Organization) group that sets standards for compressing and storing video, audio, and animation in digital form. 2.The standards set by this group. MPEG is a lossy compression method. MPEG-1 is a standard for CD-ROM video and audio.MPEG-2 is a standard for full-screen, broadcast quality video.MPEG-4 is a standard for video telephony.
A universal standard for viewing video/audio on a computer.
Motion Picture Experts Group. A type of audio/video (multimedia) file found on the Internet. In order to hear or see an MPEG movie, you will need to install a helper application or Web browser plugin. MPEG is an algorithm for compressing audio and video; not to be confused with Motion-JPEG.
(Moving Pictures Expert Group) An International standard for video compressions.
An ISO Standards group dealing with video and audio compression techniques and mechanisms for multiplexing and synchronizing various media.
An acronym for Moving Pictures Experts Group, if you want to impress your friends. The algorithm used to compress a digital TV is based on one of MPEG's sets of standards for video and audio compression.
Acronym for Motion Picture Experts Group. *.MPG file extension used for playing streaming digitized video.
(Motion Picture Experts Group) video compression format for movies or animations.
A video file format that can be used to publish animations.
Digital compressed video signal format used for distribution and contribution purposes according to ISO/ IEC MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 specifications [ MPEG is an acronym for Moving Pictures Experts Group].
Motion Picture Experts Group. An ISO group of experts that has recommended manipulation of digital motion images. Today there are a couple of MPEG recommendations, of which the most well known are MPEG-1 and MPEG-2. The latter one is widely accepted for high definition digital television, as well as multimedia presentation.
Moving Picture Experts Group. MPEG-1 is the video format on video CD and CD-I. MPEG-2 or DVD offer better quality and twice the runtime per disc.
Motion Picture Experts Group. An algorithm for the digital processing of full motion video. According to the NII vision, an accepted world standard for multiplexing video, audio, and data for digital television broadcasting. A group of standards for compression and storage of motion video. MPEG-1 provides images of 240 lines x 360 pixel s/line, digital transfer rates up to 1.5 Mbps, and compression ratios of about 100:1. MPEG-2 provides a higher quality picture - 720 horizontal lines x 480 vertical lines (pixels/line). The MPEG-2 standard is used for HDTV, and will be used for cable broadcasts. See also Motion JPEG .
An image compression scheme for full motion video proposed by the Motion Picture Experts Group, an ISO-sanctioned group. MPEG image scheme offers more compression than the JPEG scheme, which is largely for still images, because it takes advantage of the fact that full motion video is made up of many successive frames consisting of large areas that are not changed -- like blue sky background. While JPEG compresses each still frame in a video sequence as much as possible, MPEG also performs "differencing," noting differences between consecutive frames. If two consecutive frames are identical, the second can be stored with the appropriate information. MPEG condenses moving images about three times more tightly than JPEG.
Moving Picture Experts Group. A standard used on the Internet for video and audio files. Compression techniques enable the files to be transmitted significantly more quickly than other audio and video files. The Web browser you are using must be capable of running MPEG files. The file extension, ".mpg", is used for MPEG files.
Short for Moving Picture Experts Group, and pronounced m-peg. The term also refers to the whole collection of digital compression standards and file formats developed by the group.
Stands for Motion Picture Experts Group and represents a family of digital audio and video coding standards. It enables data compression of sound and movies so that they take up less capacity. This makes them easier to store and access over the web, a PC, a data card, etc. MPEG4 is the latest variant.
Moving Pictures Expert Group. MPEG is a standard format for compressed video files, sometimes known as "desktop movies." MPEG files may be part of World Wide Web documents, but they require a special helper application for viewing.
A standard defined by the Motion Picture Expert Group for the compression and decompression of motion video images.
Moving Picture Experts Group (Video compression standard)
Moving Pictures Experts Group. An ISO standards organization which defines standards for audio and video compression.
A way to compress and distribute video.
Moving Pictures Experts Group, a joint committee of ISO and the International Electrotechnical Commission. MPEG is more commonly known as the series of hardware and software standards involving the reduction of storage requirements (compression schemes) for full-motion video.
Moving Pictures Expert Group. A type of destructive compression applied to video for internet download and streaming. Files sizes are typically reduced by 10 times with negligible quality loss.
MPEG (Moving Picture Expert Group) is a digital video file format.
Compression standard for the data reduction of moving images. Unlike JPEG only the differences between two successive images are saved.
Motion Picture Experts Group. A developing ISO standard for moving picture/video compression.
Motion JPEG movie file. See "Movie clip"
Motion Pictures Expert Group is an international standards-setting body that has specified standards for digital audio and video recording, among other things. MP3 is the most famous audio standard specified by the organization.
Motion Picture Expert Group - compressed digital TV standards group in ISO. MPEG I and MPEG II commonly used now to store and transfer video.
Moving Pictures Experts Group. A set of compression standards for movies viewed and transmitted over the Internet.
Moving Picture Experts Group. A committee formed in order to develop an international standard for the efficient encoding of full-motion video and high-quality audio.
Moving Picture Experts Group, working under the joint direction of the International Standards Organization (ISO) and the International Electro-Technical Commission (IEC). This group works on standards for the coding of moving pictures and audio. MPEG has created its own homepage, providing information on the what, where, when and how of the standards.
Motion Picture Experts Group. is a standard form of coding used for stored video and television.
Motion Picture Experts Group. MPEG-1 is a bit stream standard for compressed video and audio optimised to fit into a bandwidth of 1.5Mbit/s. MPEG-2 is intended for higher quality digital video applications and runs at data rates between 4 and 9Mbit/s. MPEG-4 is a low-bit-rate compression algorithm intended for 64kbit/s connections.
Moving Pictures Experts Group. 1. n. A group that is working to establish a standard for compressing and storing motion video and animation in digital form. 2. n. The standard under development by this group.
Moving Pictures Expert Group. MPEG is an international standard for video compression and desktop movie presentation. You need a special viewing application to run the MPEG movies on your computer. MPEG II is a newer standard for broadcast-quality video.
Motion Pictures Experts Group: This is a standard for motion video.
One of the most common coding standards for internet transferable video images, the MPEG format is playable on nearly all free and payware video players. MPEGs use lossy data compression. MPEGs first predict the initial picture content, and then code differences between that and the copy, as well as any extra information.
Moving Picture Experts Group. A video file format that uses compression for easier, faster transmission.
A family of multimedia standards developed by the Motion Picture Experts Group, commonly used to refer to audio or visual files saved with MPEG compression schemes. Files usually have an .mpg extension (pronounced 'Em-Peg').
The file name extension of a video and audio or audio-only file in MPEG format.
Moving Picture Experts Group. The committee that creates international standards for coding audio-visual information to a digital, compressed format. The acronym MPEG is appended to the beginning of individual specifications developed by the committee. For example, MPEG-2 refers to the standard ISO/IEC - 11172.
See definition for: Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)
Moving Picture Experts Group. A format (or more correctly a series of formats) for video clips etc.
Motion Picture Experts Group. A compression algorithm developed for the compression of moving pictures.
motion picture experts group. A committee that defines the standards for digital video and audio compression techniques. Mpeg-1 compression allows video CDs to be played on computers at 30fps (frames per second) while Mpeg-2 is used for digital TV broadcasts and DVD movies.
MPEG (pronounced EHM pehg), the Moving Picture Experts Group, develops standards for digital video and digital audio compression.
Moving Picture Experts Group (defines compression standards)
Moving Picture Experts Group; compression algorithm for video and audio files, often used on the Web.
Motion Picture Experts Group. A video recording and playback compression standard. Some digital still cameras can record mall movies in MPEG format. See also MOVIE MODE, QUICKTIME.
Moving Pictures Expert Group. An international committee that developed the MPEG family of audio and video compression systems.
(Motion Picture Experts Group) Pronounced EM-peg, an organization that establishes standards in computerized digital video compression and reproduction. MPEG schemes reduce the data stream by storing only the changes from one frame to another, instead of each entire frame. MPEG compression also removes some image data, but the reduction of data is generally imperceptible to the human eye.
This acronym stands for Motion Picture Expert Group. Mpeg is a video format that meets a certain criteria of video formatting. An MPEG movie usually has a .mpg or .mpeg extension. Normal MPEG format does not require a codec, but certain versions like MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 may.
An ISO (International Standards Organization) group that sets standards for compressing and storing video, audio, and animation in digital form. Codec technology for moving images using inter- and intra-frame compression.
MPEG is a sophisticated compressed file format for recording digital video. It uses various compression techniques to produce very small files. The quality obviously deterioates with smaller file sizes but for a given quality an MPEG file will be smaller than an AVI file. In essence MPEG works by saving the entire screen only every so often. The file also contains the differences for each of the frames dropped which allows the video to be recreated. MPEG requires either a fast, at least 166Mhz Pentium or hardware acceleration to work satisfactorily.
Moving Picture Experts Group: Organization that develops video and audio encoding standards.
(Motion Picture Experts Group) Refers to the format for files containing motion pictures developed by this group.
MPEG means Motion Picture Expert Group and it's THE resource for video formats in general. This group defines standards in digital video, among it the MPEG-1 standard (used in Video CDs), the MPEG-2 standard (used on DVDs and SVCDs), the MPEG-4 standard (used in DivX video technology) and several audio standards - among them MP3 and AAC.
The Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) is a working group under the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that sets the standards for encoding audio and video in digital format.
Motion Picture Experts Group. A standard format for compressed video files.
Motion Picture Experts Group. The standard format for digital video and audio compression. (AKA MP3)
Moving Picture Experts Group. A group of standards for compressing moving pictures. MPEG 1 uses a data rate of 1.5 Mbps (Mega Bits per Second), the speed of CD-ROM. MPEG 2 supports higher quality with a data rate (also called bit rate) of from 2 to 10 Mpbs. MPEG 2 is the format used for satellite broadcasting (DSS), digital terrestrial broadcasting, and DVD.
(Moving Pictures Experts Group) - A compression scheme(s) which allow a superior mechanism for the compression and transmission of audio and video data over limited bandwidths. When bandwidths of 512 Kbs (1/2 T1) or above are available, MPEG is vastly superior to H.320 for the coding and transmission of videoconferencing or distant learning applications. MPEG 1 offers approximately the same resolution of H.320 systems with better motion handling abilities, while MPEG 2 offers resolution exceeding standard television broadcasts. DSS satellite broadcasts utilize MPEG 2 encoding.
The Moving Picture Experts Group develops standards for digital video and digital audio compression. The MPEG standards are an evolving series, each designed for a different purpose.
Motion Picture Expert Group. MPEG-1 is the video distribution system used on Video CD & CD-I. MPEG-2 and DVD offer better than laser disc picture quality.
This stands for: Moving Picture Experts Group – A common method for digitally encoding video files.
Moving Picture Expert Group. A set of open standards for a lossy compression format used for coding and compressing audio and video data (music, movies, etc.) in a digital format. Current standards include MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-3, and MPEG-4.
An ISO/ITU standard for compressing video offering lossy compression technique (some data of the original image is lost during the compression). read more about what is MPEG.
Moving Pictures Experts Group. The name of the committee that developed several standards for the compression of moving pictures.
(Moving Pictures Experts Group) - a movie format played with the Windows Media Player
A compressed video file format.
the Moving Picture Experts Group defines industry standards for the encoding, management, and delivery of content through various media.
Moving Picture Experts Group. An ISO body focused on the development of digital compression algorithms for motion video.
Acronym for “Motion Picture coding Expert Group,” a work group of the ISO-IEC Joint Technical Committee 1, responsible for developing a standard algorithm for the compression of motion video.
(MPEG-1) A video compression standard set by the Moving Picture Experts Group. It involves changing only those elements of a video image that actually change from frame to frame and leaving everything else in the image the same.
This graphics standard was designed by the Motion Picture Experts Group for compressing full-motion video. MPEG files are much smaller than uncompressed video files.
Standard digital-optical audio from your set-top unit's combined audio connector.
MPEG is a digital video and audio compression format that was defined by the Moving Pictures Experts Groups, which is part of the International Standards Organization (ISO).
A standard designed by the Motion Pictures Experts Group for video playback of NTSC quality from CD-ROM.
otion icture xperts' roup. This is a standard for compressing video. On of the most popular methods for compressing video on the Internet.
1) A high-quality video file format that uses compression to keep file sizes relatively small. 2) The subgroup of the International Organization for Standardization responsible for setting the standards for this format.
Moving Pictures Expert Group. This is a format for compressing video in a format similar to JPEG.
Is the Moving Picture Experts Group which is in charge of the development of standards for coded representation of digital audio and video. Several of the digital compression techniques in common use were developed by this group.
A standard used on the web for video & audio files - compression techniques are used which enable the files to be transmitted across the internet significantly quicker than other audio & video files.
Moving Pictures Experts Group is a technology that can compress a moving image so that it takes a tiny fraction of the space it normally would for transmission. This data transmission rate enables DIRECTV to retransmit detailed moving digital video signals to subscribers.
Motion Picture Experts Group. A method of compressing moving pictures to make them smaller thus making them easier to transfer and store.
As with audio MP3 files, the members of the Motion Picture Expert Group devised a way to compress video files. By compressing the information in film or TV clips, moving images can be sent across the Internet and then viewed on Web sites. MPEG files can be identified by the .mpg or .mpeg file extension.
This stands for Moving Pictures Experts Group, which is the television industry's informal standards group.
Motion Picture Experts Group. A multimedia video playback standard that allows digital video to be compressed using a combination of JPEG image compression and differencing (encoding a video sequence by recording differences between frames rather than entire images of each frame). There are two MPEG standards: MPEG-1, which supports a playback quality roughly equal to that of a VCR, and MPEG-2, which supports high-quality digital video. MP3 stands MPEG-1 layer 3, a method of storing high quality music files on a disk in such a way that the file size is relatively small. More at http://www.mp3.com/dummies.html.
Moving Picture Experts Group Compression Standard Version 4. MPEG4 is a technology for compressing voice, video and related control data and is one of the MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) international standards. It is currently a focus of attention due to the fact that it enables high speed and stable video transmission even in heretofore difficult environments such as mobile communication. Incorporation of this leading edge technology will imbue 3G terminals with a rich multimedia capability
Moving Picture Expert Group (ISO/CCITT standard for compressing digital video)
Moving Picture Experts Group. An organization working on improving the techniques used in recording and storing digital audio and video in compressed formats.
a standard for compressing video images developed by the Motion Picture Experts Group.
Moving Picture Expert Group --- digital video standard
A group that defines compression standards for video (moving) images, notably MPEG-2. A new standard, MPEG-4, defines images in terms of objects and their attributes, making it easier to manipulate audio-visual objects remotely over networks.
A compression standard for video (moving) images.
Motion Pictures Experts Group. An evolving standard for digital video compression. Often used for creating movie files seen on the World Wide Web. See also JPEG.
Stands for "Motion Picture Experts Group". This is the standard for compressing and storing audio and video files on the Internet and transferring them to portable audio/video players.
Motion Picture Expert Group - a video compression format used for movie or animation clips on the World Wide Web. MP3 is a spin-off from this standard. The filename extension for Mpeg movies is .mpg or .mpeg.
The Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) is a small group charged with the development of video and audio encoding standards. Since its first meeting in 1988, MPEG has grown to include approximately 350 members from various industries and universities.
(Moving Picture Expert Group) – This is the group that develops standards for digital video and digital audio compression. MPEG standards are an evolving series, each designed for a specific purpose. To top
Moving Picture Experts Group. ISO / ITU-T. MPEG is involved in defining a standard for data compression of moving pictures. Its work follows on from that of JPEG [single pictures] to add inter field compression, the extra compression potentially available through similarities between successive frames of moving pictures. MPEG-1: Uses a data rate of 1.2 Mbps (Mega Bits per Second), the speed of CD-ROM transfer. MPEG-2: Uses a data rate (also called a bit rate) of from 2 to 10 Mbps. MPEG-2 is the format most favoured for video-on-demand and DVD.
MPEG stands for Motion Pictures Experts Group, the group which invented the MPEG standard. MPEG is one of the most popular formats for video files on the Internet.
MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group) is a group of people that meet under ISO (the International Standards Organization) to generate standards for digital video (sequences of images in time) and audio compression.
A compression standard for the digital processing of audio and video files developed by the "Motion Picture Experts Group".
A digital video standard for compression of full-motion images. The compression ratios achieved with MPEG encoding make it an ideal standard for delivery of digital video data. MPEG-1 deals with mono and stereo sound coding, at sampling frequencies commonly used for high-quality audio. MPEG-2 contains an extension to lower sampling frequencies, providing better sound quality at the low bit rates, and an extension for multichannel sound. MPEG-3 and MPEG-4, with further improvements, are under development. Both MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 have a three-layer structure. Each layer represents a family of coding algorithms. Layer 3 deals with sound encoding, and can't be used by itself to encode audio files. In this form, it is known as MPEG Layer 3 (MP3). See MP3.
Moving Picture Experts Group. MPEG has established standards for compression and storage of motion video. Video files in the mpeg format end with .mpeg or .mpg
Widely-used video codec used by most computers to display a video. MPEG compression is capable of being handled through the software and/or hardware.
Pronounced “em-peg.” A multimedia video playback standard that allows digital video to be compressed using a combination of JPEG image compression and a sophisticated form of differencing – encoding a video sequence by recording differences between frames rather than entire images of each frame. There are two MPEG standards: MPEG-1 which supports a playback quality roughly equal to that of a VCR, and MPEG-2, which supports high-quality digital video. MPEG-1 is the form normally used with personal computers. See also JPEG.
Motion Pictures Experts Group. A group that meets under the auspices of the International Standards Organization in order to generate standards for digital-video and video-audio data compression/reduction.
Moving Pictures Experts Group A group of audio/video compression standards that are used to make videos for the Internet. To view the audio or video, a player is needed. Most computers these days come with players that are able to play files of this type.
Moving Pictures Experts Group A working group under ISO / IEC (both associations within SMPTE) which sets the standards for audio and video compression methods.
Motion Picture Experts Group. A group that developed standards for video compression to improve the quality of the video on a monitor.
A standard format for picture and sound files developed by the Fraunhofer Institute. This compression is based on the principle that a high proportion of video data contains repetitions in the code, and that the volume of data can be compressed without any reduction in picture quality. However, the fact that there is some data compression inevitably results in loss of quality, especially if the content changes very quickly or there is extensive detail. This could occasionally lead to blurred images and contrast changes. If an average compression rate of 3 megabits/sec is used, some noticeable quality loss is likely, whereas for rates of 6 megabits/sec and upwards, this loss is virtually undetectable.
Motion Picture Experts Group, a standards organization responsible for the MPEG 1 and MPEG 2 standards for the compression of full-motion video.
Moving Pictures Experts Group. An International Organisation for Standard section sub-group which develops standards (MPEG-1, 2, 4 etc) for the digital compression and multiplexing of video and audio signals.
ISO/CCITT Moving Pictures Expert Group JTC1/SC29/WG11. This group has defined MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 video compression standards.
Is a compression technology for digital video and audio signals intended for consumer distribution. MPEG-1 (low quality) was designed to reproduce VHS/VCR quality in a digital format.
Motion Picture Experts Group. It is also a format used to make, view, and transfer both digital audio and digital video files. Go Back to the Beginning
See Moving Pictures Expert Group.
Moving Picture Experts Group. A standard for compressing moving pictures. MPEG 1 uses a data rate of 1.2 Mbps (Mega Bits per Second), the speed of CD-ROM. MPEG 2 supports much higher quality with a data rate (also called bit rate) of from 2 to 10 Mpbs. MPEG 2 is the format most favored for video on demand and DVD.
Moving Picture Expert Group. It is considered a type of compression and a video format.
Moving Pictures Expert Group- A set of ordered graphical files which can produce a moving picture.
Motion Picture Experts Group - a video compression technique for video images MPEG-4 has fast become the Digital CCTV standard recording compression format. MPEG-2 is used for DVD Recording quality.
(Motion Pictures Expert Group). A type of data compression storage and playback of video and audio data.
Motion Pictures Expert Group, part of the International Standards Organisation and which sets standards for broadcast transmissions. The MPEG-2 standard now being deployed for digital satellite TV is a family of standards which leaves some room for discretion by broadcasters and manufacturers adopting it. The European DVB standards for digital satellite television are an example of such a sub-set of standards within MPEG-2 defined standards.
Short for Moving Picture Experts Group, MPEG is the name given to a family of International Standards used for encoding audio-visual information in a digitally compressed format. MPEG standards include MPEG1, MPEG2 and MPEG4.
Short for Motion Pictures Experts Group, MPEG is an organization that sets international standards for digital formats for audio and video.
Stands for otion icture xperts roup.
Motion Picture Experts Group. (same algorithms as JPEG, but instead predicts subsequent frames)
File Motion Pictures Experts Group is a standard compression format for video and sound. It can be used to display and hear online movies.
otion icture xperts roup. Established motion image compression formats.
Stands for the Moving Pictures Experts Group. The group devised a set of standard mechanisms for video and audio file compression. MPEG-1 is the standard for CD-ROM video and audio. MPEG-2 is the standard for broadcast quality video. MPEG-4 is the standard for video telephony.
Moving Pictures Expert Group - the people who came up with the compression techniques used in acheiving the incredible amount of data onto a DVD. see MPEG.ORG
Moving Pictures Expert Group, the international standards committee, which developed the MPEG family of audio and video compression systems.
(Moving Pictures Experts Group) MPEG is an organization that creates standards for digital compression of audio and video. The collection of MPEG standards is constantly evolving. Perhaps the best-known, and most controversial, of MPEG formats is MP3 (MPEG-1 audio layer-3), which is used to record and store music files.
Describes a method of compressing digital video.
Moving Pictures Experts Group; also, the audio and video compression standards developed by that group.
Moving Picture Experts Group. A commitee formed by the ISO to develop standards for video and audio compression.
Motion Picture Experts Group - Standard setting group which has developed video compression standards that are being used in satellite & cable TV, multimedia, digital & high definition TV and other applications in the world of communications. (See Video Compression)
the Moving Pictures Experts Group, a consortium which develops standards for digital audio and video compression. To play an MPEG file a computer must have certain amounts of speed, hard disk space and memory, as well as an MPEG viewer or other software.
Motion Picture Experts Group. This has produced two industry compression standards for video - MPEG1 and MPEG2. Compression ratios of 100:1 can be achieved.
apopular type of multimedia file formats and compression schemes defined by the Moving Pictures Expert Group. For example, MPEG-1 video provides a quality similar to VHS and was designed for use on CD-ROMs, while MPEG-2 video was designed for use on DVDs and can provide higher quality in a smaller size file.
Moving Picture Experts Group. The general term applied to any compression algorithm for audio and/or video devised under their supervision.
Motion Picture Experts Group A proposed International Standards organization (ISO) standard for digital video and audio compression for moving images. MPEG-1 1/4 broadcast quality which translates to 352 x 240 pixels. Typically compressed at 1.5 Mbs.
Compression standards for moving images conceived by the Motion Pictures Expert Group, an international group of industry experts set up to standardize compressed moving pictures and audio. MPEG-2 is the basis for ATSC digital television transmission. N-O
A compression standard for compacting animations and video clips.
Acronym for Moving Pictures Experts Group. A set of standards for audio and video compression established by the Joint ISO/IEC Technical Committee on Information Technology. The MPEG standard has different types that have been designed to work in different situations.
Moving Picture Experts Group - MPEG is the unofficial name for Working Group (WG) 11 of Sub Committee (SC) 29 of the Joint Technical Committee(JTC) of the International Standards Organization (ISO) and of the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC), abbreviated as ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC29/WG11
Moving Picture Experts Group It is a video technology to estandar that it specifies the digital compression, transmission and decoding of protocols. MPLS: Multi Protocol Label Switching. Way of commutation used in router that is based on "present labels" in the packages instead of using initial lines, destiny, etc.
An industry standard for compressing video and audio. MPEG I, used in video CDs, provides a standard image of 352x240 dots per inch, 30 frames per second, 15-bit color and CD-quality sound. MPEG II is an emerging standard for full broadcast-quality video.
MPEG is a compression standard developed by the Motion Pictures Expert Group. It is most often used for CD-ROM and World Wide Web authoring material. MPEG-1 typically reduces the data size of an uncompressed file by a factor of 100. It is a lossy algorithm that is capable of producing higher compression ratios than both JPEG and MVC1. MPEG is well suited for video publishing, where a video is compressed once and decompressed many times for playback.
Motion Pictures Experts Group, A group that created a video file compression format. The MPEG compression format incorporates predictive calculation, so that the current frame predicts what will be in the following frames. MPEG files usually end with the file extension .mpg. Moving Picture Expert Group.
A standard format for encoding video files in a compressed form.
Motion Picture Experts Group. Body established by the International Standards Organisation to provide the basis for a picture coding and compression system. MPEG first designed a standard called MPEG1 for bit-rates of around 1.2 Mbit/s, primarily for carrying VHS-quality video on compact disc-based multimedia systems. MPEG-2, commonly used by most digital television transmisions, in a video compression standard developed for bit-rates from 3Mbit/s to 15 Mbit/s.
Motion Picture Experts Group A set of standards for compressing video and audio files. Also, often used to mean movie files created to the MPEG standard.
MPEG is a way of storing video on computer disk. It was designed by the Moving Photographic Experts Group.
Created by a working group of the International Standards Organization, MPEG is a standard for compressing sound and movie files into an attractive format for downloading--or even streaming--across the Internet. The MPEG-1 standard streams video and sound data at 150 kilobytes per second--the same rate as a single-speed CD-ROM drive--which it manages by taking key frames of video and filling only the areas that change between the frames.
The group charged with creating standards for video compression. Also: any of the MPEG formats that they've created: MPEG-1 (VCD), MPEG-2 (DVD), MPEG-4 (DivX, Xvid, and so on), which achieve various degrees of quality and file size.
MPEG is a standard used for coding and compression of moving images. It was developed by the Moving Pictures Experts Group. It is now used widely for the compression of video images. However MPEG isn’t just one standard. They have developed several standards for different uses. For example MPEG-2 is used for DVD’s and set top boxes. MPEG-4 was developed for multi-media applications for fixed and mobile web applications.
Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) is a standard used on the Web for video and audio files that allows for swift transfer due to their relatively small size.
MPEG is a video compression method commonly used in digital recording. MPEG-1 is a standard for CD-ROM video and audio. MPEG-2 is a standard for full-screen, broadcast quality video.MPEG-4 is a standard for video telephony.
( oving hotographic xpert roup) A group that has defined a format for motion video compression.
MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group) is an attempt to generate standards for digital video (sequences of images in time) and audio compression. MPEG itself is a nickname. The official name is: ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29. For information click here.
Moving Photographic Experts Group, a format for compressed movie files using similar technology to JPEG.
This stands for Moving Pictures Expert Group and itÂ's the standard file format for compressing audio and video for streaming over the Internet and downloading.
A family of multimedia standards created by the Motion Picture Experts Group, commonly used to refer to audio and video files saved using one of the MPEG compression schemes.
MPEG most often refers to a type of digital video compression developed by the Motion Pictures Experts Group. The MPEG compression technique involves storing only the changes from one frame to another rather than the entire frame. There are two MPEG standards: MPEG-1 and MPEG-2. MPEG-1 offers a resolution of 352 x 240 at 30 frames per second (fps)-- quality slightly below that of VHS tapes. MPEG-2 offers resolutions of 720 x 480 and 1280 x 720 at 60 fps, with full CD-quality audio, and meets NTSC and HDTV standards. MPEG-2 can compress a two hour video into just a few gigabytes, and is used for DVD-ROMs. Decompressing MPEG-2 data streams does not require much computing power, however encoding video in MPEG-2 does.
Moving Picture Experts Group. A file format for multimedia files (audio and video) used on the world wide web.
Moving Pictures Experts Group, a method of storing movie files in digital format
A popular file format for video, developed by the Motion Picture Experts Group.
see Motion Picture Engineering Group.
Motion JPEG movie file. MPEG1 was the original format used in CDRoms and VideoCDs. MPEG2 is now the standard for DVD movies.
Motion Picture Expert Group. The Abbreviation is applied to describe a compression format for data in animation. MPEG is commonly used for the efficient storage/transmission of digital video images (JPEG).
Moving Picture Experts Group. A voluntary body, which develops standards for digital, compressed moving pictures and associated audio.
The Moving Pictures Experts Group, which formulates standards for video encoding, such as MPEG-2 for DVD and MPEG-4 for streaming video.
A video and audio compression standard used during Digital Encoding. The acronym is short for Moving Picture Experts Group. The current broadcast standard for video encoding is known as MPEG-2.
Motion Picture Experts Group, developers of a compression format for video files.
or Moving Picture Experts Group
(MOVING PICTURES EXPERTS GROUP) An international standardisation group. The group developed a standard (MPEG-2) for digital compression and for multiplexing video and audio signals.
Motion Picture Experts Groups. A set of norms for online broadcasting and compression of digital video and audio.
Moving Picture Experts Group, a group of compression standards for video and audio, which includes MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and MPEG-3 (referred to as MP3).
Stands for Motion Picture Experts Group. Is a set of 'lossy' compression standards. With MPEG, information regarded as unimportant (i.e imperceptible to the viewer or listener) is irretrievably discarded by means of a highly complex mathematical process. The data rate is considerably reduced, though. MPEG1, as used on Video CDs, is a low bitrate variant capable of VHS quality. MPEG2 works at faster bitrates, and can yield high quality results-as demonstrated by DVD.
The Motion Pictures Experts Group, the television industry's informal standards group.
Motion Picture Experts Group, founded in 1988. Sets standards for broadcast video. MPEG-1 in 1992 defined an efficient means of storing video and sound (it is used in VCDs). MPEG-2 is used by DVD video and HDTV. Object oriented vector based MPEG-4 from 1999 was designed for low bandwidth internet communication and is based on Apple's QuickTime. Borrows from VRML. Uses BIFS as a language for describing scenes. MPEG-7 is for describing multimedia content via metainformation. It uses descriptions similar to XML (politics involved). There is no MPEG-3.
high-quality video compression/decompression scheme (CODEC) for encoding video and audio for computer playback
Motion Picture Experts Group Another compression technique for video and audio. Over time, there have been versions, called 'layers'. One such layer was MPEG Layer 3, which was shortened to MP3, a very popular music format.
Stands for Motion Picture Experts Group. A format to make, view, and transfer both digital audio and digital video files.
Moving Picture Experts Group; a format used on Web pages to show motion; video
Moving Pictures Expert Group. MPEG is a standard way to compress full-motion video.
Moving Pictures Experts Group. A standard that has been developed for compression of motion video. It keeps track of the movement from frame to frame and only replaces or stores the data that has changed.
Refers to the Moving Picture Experts Group.
A file format digitized video. Largely being replaced "RealVideo" and the Microsoft Media Player.
MPEG which stands for Moving Picture Experts Group, is the name of family of standards used for coding audiovisual information (e.g., movies, video, music) in a digital compressed format. The major advantage of MPEG compared to other video and audio coding formats is that MPEG files are much smaller for the same quality. This is because MPEG uses very sophisticated compression techniques.
Motion Picture Expert Group video compression standards (e.g. mp3)
Moving Picture Experts Group. A standard by which movie and film picture is compressed, maintaining the high quality playback.
Motion Pictures Experts Group. A digital video standard for compression of full-motion images.
Moving Picture Experts Group. The standard for compression and storage of motion video, for example, videos available though the World Wide Web.
Motion Pictures Experts Group. An emerging standard for compression of full motion images driven by the same committee as the Joint Photographic Experts Group ( JPEG) standard.
'Motion Picture Experts Group' refers to standards for perceptual coding at a reduced data rate of video and sound signals. MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 are respectively video-coding standards for medium and high-quality use, and MPEG-1 layers 1, 2 and 3 are systems for perceptually encoding two-channel stereo sound.
The digital signal compression standard used by digital satellite systems. Compressing the audio and video signals allows more channels to be broadcast over the same bandwidth. Satellite systems use two different versions of this standard: MPEG2. This format is used for the vast majority of satellite programming, and delivers high-quality picture and sound. MPEG4. This newer version of MPEG compression is used for delivering high-definition local programming in some markets. Receiving this programming requires the use of an MPEG4-compatible receiver. Newer high-definition DIRECTV receivers are compatible with this format. MPEG4 is more efficient than MPEG2, so it allows more data to be packed into the same amount of space. MPEG stands for Moving Picture Experts Group.
Motion Picture Experts Group. A standards group which has defined the technique for digitisation and compression of video signals. MPEG-1 is a standard for transmission of QCIF (1/4 screen) pictures at the primary data rate of 1.54 MHz, resulting in VCR quality video. MPEG-2 is much more extensive, including a definition of a high-quality video picture.
MPEG (or MPG) is an acronym for Moving Pictures Experts Group, an industry committee that is developing a set of compression standards for moving images (such as film, video and animation) that can be downloaded and viewed on a computer
Moving Picture Experts Group. Commonly refers to the international standard for digital video and audio compression.
A video file compression system used on the web.
Motion Picture Experts' Group. Also a standard created by this group for compressed video.
Moving Pictures Experts Group. A committee formed by the ISO to set standards for digital compression of full-motion video.
Acronym for Moving Picture Experts Group. MPEG is a digital video file format.
Pronounced m-peg, a working group of ISO. The term also refers to the family of digital video compression standards and file formats developed by the group. MPEG generally produces better-quality video than competing formats, such as Video for Windows, Indeo and QuickTime. MPEG files can be decoded by special hardware or by software.
Moving Pictures Experts Group. The organization which defined the standards for moving pictures, like movies.
Moving Picture Experts Group. Generally used to refer to coding standards for video images sent over INTERNET. MPEG coding is a common standard for which a number of public domain players exist.
Motion Picture Experts Group. A format of digital video.
otion ictures xperts roup - a compression standard for full-motion digital video.
(Motion Picture Experts Group) - A video file format (.mpeg) offering excellent quality in a comparatively small size. Video files found on the Internet are frequently stored in the MPEG format. See Also: Compression
Motion Picture Experts Group. A video and sound compression standard. One of the more popular video and sound file formats on the Internet.
The file format that is used to compress and transmit movies or video clips online.
Short for Moving Pictures Expert Group, an organization that developed an international standard for video and audio compression and desktop movie presentation. See .mpeg
Motion Picture Experts Group. An International Standards organization (IS) standard for digital video and audio compression for moving images.
Moving Picture Experts Group. An standards organization that works with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to develop standards for digital audio and video compression. MPEG's files are compressed movies that can contain both audio and video. Though they are compressed, MPEG files maintain most of the original quality of the uncompressed movie.
Moving Picture Experts Group. A standard for a digital video & audio compression.
A format for the delivery of high quality video material via the internet.
Motion Picture Experts Group; MPEG4 is a technology for compressing voice and video so that the information can be transmitted over normally difficult links such as mobile radio
Type of video file requiring a special external player to view.
Moving Pictures Experts Group. Industry organization developing standards and specifications for the encoding and transmission of video information over various media and network technologies.
Moving Pictures Experts Group. A standard for compressed audio and video data. This is a "lossy" compression scheme, which means the data loses some quality in compression. The standard specifies a bandwidth of 150 Kbytes per second, which is the data rate of audio CD's.
Motion Picture Experts Group. A type of audio/video (multimedia) file format, which is popular on the Internet.
A method of compression for storing video and audio in digital form. There are various degrees of MPEG, such as MPEG-1 regarding a standard for compressing video and audio on CD-ROM, and MPEG-2 for full-screen, broadcast-quality video.
See Motion Picture Experts Group
A movie format, its compressed and the most common in the Internet.
Motion Picture Experts Group. MPEG-1 was the first offering from the MPEG committee; MPEG-1 was originally developed to allow video to be distributed on CD-ROMs. It was very popular with early hardware and software innovators who were merging the world of computers and video and is still useful to this day. MPEG-1 is supported by QuickTime and can be imported into Live Channel for streaming.
A Codec adopted by ISO's otion ictures xpert roup for compression and playback of full motion video and audio streams. Often referred to as 'MPEG video.' MPEG-1 is now an open standard which establishes the structure for a standard MPEG file, and specifies a transfer rate of 1.5Mb/sec, with a resolution of 352x240 at 30 fps. Incidentally, CD-I uses MPEG-1, and VCD was promoted as the first MPEG1 optical disc for multiple platforms. DVD implements 'hardware' MPEG 2 and offers higher resolution, uniform quality, different aspect ratios, and more features than MPEG 1. MPEG 2 and AC 3 Audio do the decoding together. In some circles, hardware MPEG 2 is still considered a temporary solution in the wait for a software solution (current software decoders require powerful CPUs, ample RAM, and MMx at least).
Moving Picture Experts Group. A standard for digital compression and decompression of audio and video file formats.
A group of audio/video compression standards used to create videos comparable to VCR quality. The MPEG-1 standard yields a video resolution of 352-by-240 at 30 frames per second, while MPEG-2 offers resolutions of 720x480 and 1280x720 at 60 fps, with full CD-quality audio. To view an MPEG video, you need to download (shareware or commercial) client software that plays it. The MPEG group works within the International Organization for Standardization and periodically improves and updates the compression standards.
Moving Picture Expert's Group, an ISO body focused on developing compression formats for full-motion video and audio signals and the synchronization of these signals during playback.
An ISO standard codec for computer audio and video.
Acronym for Motion Pictures Expert Group. The MPEG standard, most often used for CDROM and World Wide Web authoring material) compression typically reduces the data size of an uncompressed file by a factor of 100. It is a lossy algorithm that is capable of producing higher compression ratios than JPEG and Cinepak compression schemes. The compressed data stream is designed so that the video can be played forward or backward. This makes MPEG well suited for video publishing, where a video is compressed once and decompressed many times for playback.
(short for Motion Picture Experts Group) A file format that uses compression for sending and viewing audio/video files.
Moving Pictures Expert Group. An ISO/ITU standard for compressing video.
Moving Picture Experts Group, The standard file format for video images.
Moving Picture Experts Group. A family of international standards used for coding audio/video information into digital format. Currently, in the year 2000, MPEG-2 is the standard for digital video formats and MP3 for strictly digital audio formats.
Stands for Moving Pictures Expert Group. The group studied digital compression and decompression technology for media use and decided an International Standard of the technology. This standard is applied in the DVD-Video system.
Moving Picture Experts Group – a committee of the International Standards Organisation formed to research digitally compressing video and audio information.
A family of standards used for coding audio-visual information (e.g., movies, video, music) in a digital compressed format.
(Moving Pictures Experts Group) A standard for compressing video. DVD movies are encoded using a form of MPEG. It is a compression scheme that requires a lot of CPU power to encode and decode, and usually requires a special hardware processor for full-screen movies.
A lossy codec for video files. Several levels of MPEG exist (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and MPEG-4). Developed by ISO (International Organization of Standardization).
Moving Pictures Experts Group, a brain trust that is tasked with creating the standards used for video and audio compression unto a wide array of digital media.
Moving Picture Experts Group. A working group in charge of the development of standards for the coded
Motion Pictures Experts Group. Formally, the standard committee that defines compression/decompression algorithms for handling digital video/audio. Informally, video data in the MPEG-1 format.
Named for the Motion Picture Experts Group, this is a series of standards for compressing moving pictures.
Motion Picture Experts Group; a high quality video format commonly used for files found on the Internet. Usually a special helper application is required to view MPEG files.
A digital video format developed by the Motion Pictures Expert Group.
A family of formats for compressing and storing digitized video and sound.
(Motion Picture Experts Group) a standard used for the compression of digital video and audio sequences.
(Motion Picture Experts Group) - The group that has defined the standards for compressed video transmission.
Motion Picture Experts Group. Group developing ISO standards for full-motion video.
Motion Picture Experts Group - An audio/video file format used primarily for satellite, cable TV, and DVD transmision of motion pictures. It offers excellent quality in a relatively small file.
This is a standard way of compressing streaming audio and video files.
Moving Picture Experts Group is a series of ISO standards for digital video and audio, designed for different uses and data rates. MPEG-1 - The initial MPEG standard, designed to encode full motion video so it could be played back off of a CD (150 kb/s). The bit rate of a standard MPEG1 is 1.5Mbps. MPEG-1 has a frame size of 352x240 pixels, which gives a picture quality slightly better than VHS videotape. MPEG-2 was a follow-on standard supporting higher data rates, and thus higher quality. MPEG-2 is the standard used in DVD video players, most digital satellite systems in North America, and in the new North American Digital TV system. MPEG-3 was abandoned, as its planned functionality was included in MPEG-2. MPEG-4 delivers video at comparable quality to MPEG1 at a much lower bit rate. MPEG-4 also supports a wide variety of elements that can be transmitted separately and combined to form the video frame, such as a talking head in one stream and the background in another.
Moving Pictures Experts Group sets standards for compressing and storing video, audio and animation in digital form. The standards set by this group include: MPEG-1 is a standard for CD-ROM video and audio. MPEG-2 is a standard for full-screen, broadcast quality video. MPEG-3 is a standard for CD-quality music and MPEG-4 is a standard for video telephony.
Motion Picture Experts Group. An organization that develops standards for digital video and audio compression. See MP3.
MPEG has established standards for compression and storage of motion video that are used for storage and playback of multimedia images from CD-ROM. This standard will expand into use in broadcasting and videoconferencing.
(Motion Picture Experts Group) - A way of storing video in a compressed form. MPEG files have the extension .mpeg, .mpg, .mp2, or .mp3, depending on the system and the version of MPEG compression used.
Motion Picture Experts Group; multimedia video playback standard - allows digital video to compressed using JPEG and encoded video sequences. Two MPEG standards exist: MPEG-1 is about equal to a VCRand the one associated with personal computers, while MPEG-2 supports high quality digital video.
The ISO standards body responsible for the MPEG international video compression standards. MPEG-1 addresses VHS-quality images with a 1Mbps to 2Mbps data rate. MPEG-1 can play back from a single-speed CD-ROM player (150Kbps, or 1.2Mbps) at 352×240 (that is, quarter screen) at 30 frames per second (fps). MPEG-2, which at this point is the compression scheme of choice, addresses DTV—or computer-quality—images with a 6Mbps data rate. MPEG-2 offers resolutions of 720×480 and 1280×720 at 30 fps, with full CD-quality audio. MPEG-3 will address HDTV-quality images, at data rates up to 60Mbps. MPEG-4, an evolution of MPEG-2, features audio, video, and systems layers, and offers variable-bit-rate encoding for both narrowband and broadband delivery in a single file. It also uses an object-based compression method, rather than MPEG-2's frame-based compression. MPEG-4 allows objects—such as 2D or 3D video objects, text, graphics, and sound—to be manipulated and made interactive through Web-like hyperlinks and/or multimedia triggers.
MPEG is a set of norms for broadcasting and compression of digital video and audio. Over time, there have been versions, called 'layers'. The most recent was MPEG Layer 3, which was shortened to MP3, an unbelievably popular music format.
Moving Pictures Expert Group. A group that has developed a popular method for compressing motion pictures.
Motion Picture Experts Group - a video file format offering excellent quality in a relatively small file. Video files found on the Internet are frequently stored in the MPEG format. Full length movies (like Top Gun) are available on CD and are stored in the MPEG format.
An ISO group that works to develop standard formats for...
Motion Picture Experts Group. More commonly, a compression format for video. Files compressed with MPEG generally have the extension .mpg, although it may be .mpeg on some sites.
Abbreviation for motion picture experts group. An international standard for compressing video that provides for high compression ratios. The standard has two recommendations: MPEG-1 compresses lower-resolution images for videoconferencing and lower-quality desktop video applications and transmits at around 1.5 Mb/s. MPEG-2 was devised primarily for delivering compressed television for home entertainment and is used at CCIR resolution when bit rates exceed 5.0 Mb/s as in hard disk-based applications.
An abbreviation of 'Moving Picture Experts Group', MPEG is the name given to a set of standards used for coding audiovisual information (i.e. movies, music and video) in a digital compressed format. MPEG technology produces small compressed files that can easily be transferred over the Internet.
Moving Pictures Expert Group (Moving video compression standard)
Motion Picture Experts Group - The standards committee made up of representatives from many manufacturers who are meeting to set standards for the compression of motion video images. Like JPEG, it is both a group and an algorithm.
Moving Photographic Experts Group’, an international standard for storing digitized video in compressed form.
Motion Pictures Experts Group. A highly efficient data compression standard for video, motion picture, and animated graphic images. See also JPEG.
Moving Picture Experts Group. Pronounced "em-peg." Don't spell out. -- audio/video compression format
Moving Pictures Experts Group. Popular video compression standard. 2.22
see Moving Pictures Experts Group
Motion Picture Experts Group. A standard for video and audio compression. MPEG-1: Video compression up to 100:1, depending on image sequence type and desired quality. VHS-quality playback is expected from this level of compression. MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3): Audio compression up to 20:1, depending on desired quality. Though inferior to ATRAC compression, MP3 has become the de-facto standard for audio transfer over the internet. MPEG-2: Video compression up to 40:1, depending on image sequence type and desired quality. DVD Video and Digital TV use MPEG-2. MPEG-4: Multimedia compression designed for computer and Internet applications.
Moving Picture Experts Group) A working group within SMPTE who set, among other things, specifications for compression schemes for audio and video transmission. A term commonly used to make reference to their image-compression scheme (MPEG-2) for full motion video.
a developing standard for digital video compression used to send movie files for viewing on the World Wide Web. The MPEG file name extension is either .mpeg or .mpg. (see also: CODEC)
Moving Picture Experts Group. The name of the group which sets the various MPEG video compression standards.
Motion Picture Experts Group, who are responsible for the creation and maintenance of the MPEG video compression standard.