Clause in a decree of distribution by which any of decedent's property, whether specifically described in the decree or not, passes to the distributees.
An agreement in most automobile liability policies and some others that extends the definition to include to others without the needing to name them. An example would be a policy that covers the named insured and "those residing with him."
A clause within an automotive insurance policy providing coverage to all who drive the vehicle.
a provision in a vehicle policy that extends coverage to all drivers operating the insured vehicle with the owner's permission
Insurance that covers a third party while driving the insured's automobile with the permission of the insured.
An automobile policy provision that covers persons driving the named insured's auto with the named insured's permission.
A provision in automobile insurance policies that includes certain persons as insured without specifically naming them.
A clause imposed by the insured that states the extent of the coverage a policy outlines is applicable to others who are not necessarily formally named on the contract.
An agreement in most Automobile Liability policies and some others that, by its definition of insured, extends the protection of the policy to others within the definition without the necessity of specifically naming them in the policy. An example would be a policy which covers the named insured and "those residing with him." (G)
A provision in the automobile liability policy which extends coverage to any person, firm, or corporation legally responsible for the operation of the insured automobile, and to any person operating the car with the consent of the named insured.
A part of an automobile or yacht liability policy which extends coverage to persons and orgnizations other than the named insured, such as members of the insured's family, servants and others using the automobile with the owner's permission. When these extensions were introduced,the policy was said to have an "omnibus clause."
A provision in a car insurance policy that covers drivers of the policyholder's car.
Policy extending coverage to others using a particular automobile without specifically naming them in the policy.
A now obsolete clause in standard automobile insurance contracts extending coverage to certain others in addition to the named insured under certain expressed conditions. The present-day term is "definition of insured" clause.
that agreement of the automobile liability policy which, by its definition of "insured," extends the protection of the policy to interests embraced by the definition without the necessity of naming or otherwise designating them.
Provision in a will that stipulates that any assets not enumerated still pass to the heirs. Alternately, a clause in liability insurance policies that extends coverage to unnamed others beyond the insured.