A provision found in almost every insurance policy, except life (and sometimes health) insurance contracts, stating what is to be done in case any other contract of insurance provides the same coverage or covers essentially the same thing. (See also: nonduplication of payments (or benefits).)
A clause found in almost every policy stating how it will respond when other policies also cover.
A provision found in almost every insurance policy except Life and sometimes Health stating what is to be done in case any other contract of insurance embraces the same property and/or hazards. See also Nonduplication of Benefits and Apportionment. (G)
Language in many policies which states the method for apportioning the loss between two or more policies covering the same property at the time of loss.
A provision found in practically every insurance policy that explains how coverage will apply in the event another policy applies to the same loss.
A provision found in most policies stating how a loss will be handled in the event there is other insurance covering the same loss.
a provision found in practically every insurance policy stating what is to be done in case any other contract of protection embraces the same property and hazards. How the policies coordinate will vary depending on the types of policies and what their respective Other Insurance clauses say, but the most common methods are sharing on a PRO RATA basis, or one being PRIMARY and the other EXCESS, or equal shares (until one policy uses up its limit). (See GUIDING PRINCIPLES)