Any Old Word rodent of the genus Hystrix, having the back covered with long, sharp, erectile spines or quills, sometimes a foot long. The common species of Europe and Asia (Hystrix cristata) is the best known.
Any species of Erethizon and related genera, native of America. They are related to the true porcupines, but have shorter spines, and are arboreal in their habits. The Canada porcupine (Erethizon dorsatus) is a well known species.
Black, yellow-tipped hairs and quills, small head, large body.
This crystal allows the gift of letting go of past hurts and returning to a simpler place of joy within your being. You still have your quills, but you are brought to the awareness that you no longer need to use them. This defensive stance no longer suits you, when you allow this crystal to work it's love on you. (Crystal that has been broken and has self healed.)
relatively large rodents with sharp erectile bristles mingled with the fur
A large, dark, arboreal rodent of the North Country ( Erethizon dorsatum) . Most noted for its formidable defensive spines which protect it from most predators, save the fisher and the Chevy. The quills were used by Native Americans for elaborate decorative work. From the Middle English porke despyne or porkepyn and the Old French porc espin; literally "spiny pig." รข in the Ojibwe.
This article is about the rodent mammal. For other uses of the term "porcupine" see Porcupine (disambiguation).