Definitions for "ReViewer "
a staff member who has the responsibility to approve contributions submitted by the planner
For purposes of Joint Commission certification, a physician, nurse, administrator, laboratorian, or any other health care professional who meets the Joint Commissionâ€(tm)s reviewer selection criteria, evaluates standards compliance, and provides education and consultation regarding standards compliance to reviewed organizations or networks.
UL staff member having technical competency to review the entire project for an investigation and determine compliance with all requirements needed to authorize the UL Mark as indicated by the reviewer's name in the certification Report. The Reviewer for a project shall be different from the Project Handler.
One who reviews or reëxamines; an inspector; one who examines publications critically, and publishes his opinion upon their merits; a professional critic of books.
a person who has critically examined a web page for subject/journalistic errors
A person who reviews a document for a formal Technical Review. This person raises issues, and focuses on quality and technical evaluation of the prodcut as correct and complete.
a yenta who makes a match between a reader and a book
A reviewer evaluates the quality of things such as books, films, food, art or theater.
Keywords:  tgp, legend, inquiries, sheer, driven
The person responsible for reviewing submissions at any database driven site like a Link List or TGP. For smaller sites this is almost always the owner of the site, but large and successful sites often have several people reviewing due to the sheer volume of submissions.
a person plus all of his or her votes
a person who has given up their time to do a difficult job, their dedication and energy during Inquiries is legend
a writer who reports and analyzes events of the day
A third person employed by a client, such as an expert, editor or manager, to review a writer's work. Reviews are often tied to the writer's payment schedule. [See Milestones.
someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication
a fan fiction archive volunteer who has read extensively in your type of story
a mother-tongue speaker of the receptor language who is appointed to read the draft translation and give feedback
Keywords:  rebol, slide, photo, sort, lets
ReViewer is a photo manager written in Rebol that lets you view, sort, and organize images, and build Rebol slide shows.
Keywords:  gove, comment, whom, grade, learning
a person to whom you have given authority to view and gove comment on your Learning Reflection and grade your My Indexes
Keywords:  workshop, graduate, previous
a graduate of a previous Workshop
Keywords:  referee, see
See Referee.
In Financial Review and Control, the person(s) familiar with activity on a cost object that perform monthly financial review and control activities.