Definitions for "SRP"
Signal recognition particle. A chaperonin complex responsible for arresting polypeptide synthesis and facilitating the docking of a ribosome to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Normally, on ribosomes translating polypeptides destined for insertion into or across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane become associated with SRP.
Signal recognition particle. A ribonucleoprotein that binds the newly synthesized N-terminus of proteins to be transferred to the endoplasmic reticulum, blocking translation until the SRP-protein-ribosome complex docks at the signal recognition particle receptor in the endoplasmic re
Spreading Resistance Probe. a metrology technique for measuring electrically active dopant levels. A semiconductor is ground down at an angle through the area to be measured and four tiny needles are dragged along the bevel measuring resistance as they go. By knowing the angle and the speed of travel for the needles the resistance versus depth may be measured. SRP requires an area approximately 0.1mms wide to measure.
see Spreading Resistance Probe
The resistance measured between the conductive metal of a point probe and a large area, relatively low-resistance semiconductor contact, dominated by the resistivity of the semiconductor volume close to the problem. Spreading resistance find widespread usage in the characteristization of microresistivity variations and analysis of complex device structures.
Keywords:  yimg, sgflag, nbsp, redevelopment, href
Src http sg yimg com i sg features sgflag gif   a href http www srp org sg Skills Redevelopment Programme
Simple Retransmission Protocol.
Spatial Reuse Protocol
ecure emote assword. A secure password based authentication and key exchange protocol that solves the problem of authenticating clients securely.
Keywords:  splenic, pulp, red
splenic red pulp
Keywords:  standby
Standby RP.
Stockpile Reliability Program
Keywords:  rollup, package, security
Security Rollup Package
South African Securities Regulation Panel
Science Review Panel. SRPs may act as advisors on forestry practices to the state government.
Standard Review Plan
Keywords:  styrene, rubber, plastics
Styrene-rubber plastics
Statement of Regulatory Principles
Keywords:  suggested, retail, price
Suggested retail price.
Keywords:  summer, reading, program
Summer Reading Program
Keywords:  solar, radiation, pressure
Solar Radiation Pressure ‘3/4—zçt
Keywords:  restraint, protection, system
System for Restraint and Protection
Keywords:  premium, release, service
Service Release Premium.
Keywords:  search, page
Search Results Page