Definitions for "Barding"
Keywords:  bacon, lard, roasts, lean, poultry
This involves covering the breasts of game and poultry with fatty bacon or pork. The meat can then be roasted, safe in the knowledge that it will not be dry.
A method of protecting lean meats from drying out or dehydrating during roasting. The method employs tying thin slices of fat or bacon around the meat to be roasted.
Is a culinary term for draping fatty strips of pork over game meat while it cooks. Side pork, salt pork, and bacon are used most often. Prime candidates for barding are roasted game birds, particularly those that have been skinned rather than plucked. Upland game birds, unlike waterfowl, have little fat under the skin. Even, if turkeys, pheasants, grouse and quail are plucked, barding is recommended. Marinated breast fillets from waterfowl wrapped in bacon and cooked on the grill are incredibly succulent and tasty. Try it with snow geese and you'll find they are as good as Canadas or Whitefronts. The converse of this is larding, in which long strips of fat are inserted into the cut of meat to keep it moist during cooking.
(noun) Armor worn over the barrel.
a cloth covering or metal armor for a horse.
Barding (also spelled bard or barb) is armor for horses. During the late Middle Ages as armor protection for knights became more effective, their mounts became targets. This was an effective tactic for the English at the Battle of Crécy in the fourteenth century where archers shot horses and heavy infantry killed the French knights after they dismounted.