Definitions for "Deduce "
Deduce is an artificial intelligence program which accepts natural language sentences as input. These sentences describe properties and relationships between objects, . The user can then ask questions against that input, to which Deduce will attempt to answer using deductive reasoning techniques.
Deduce is an artificial intelligence program which accepts natural language sentences as input, then allows the user to ask questions against that input. Deduce attempts to answer questions using logical deduction techniques.
To derive or draw; to derive by logical process; to obtain or arrive at as the result of reasoning; to gather, as a truth or opinion, from what precedes or from premises; to infer; -- with from or out of.
form an opinion from a solid basis of fact, as in: From the size of these shoeprints, I deduce the intruder was wearing large shoes. (You thought I was going to say had large feet, didn't you?)
Keywords:  disjoint, doubt, depth, differ
depth differ disjoint doubt
Keywords:  conclusions, draw
Draw conclusions
Keywords:  subtract, whole, take, part
To take away; to deduct; to subtract; as, to deduce a part from the whole.
Keywords:  forth, lead
To lead forth.