Definitions for "Mmol/L"
A measure of concentration - the number of millimoles (mmols) of a substance in one litre (L) of a fluid. A millimole is the molecular weight (or atomic weight) in milligrams (mg). In the UK, cholesterol levels are expressed as millimoles of cholesterol in one litre of serum. In the USA, they measure mg/dL - milligrams per decilitre (one-tenth of a litre). To convert a cholesterol measurement in mmol/L to mg/dL you multiply by 39. A cholesterol level of 5.2 mmol/L is just over 200mg/dL.
Millimoles per liter, a unit of measure that shows the concentrations of a substance in a specific amount of fluid. This unit is used in veterinary and medical journals and a number of countries to report blood glucose test results. In other countries, mg/dl or g/l are used. To convert from mmol/l to mg/dl multiply mmol/L by 18; to convert mmol/l to g/l multiply by 0.18 . Example: 10 mmol/L = 180 mg/dL or 1.8 g/l.
is the abbreviated form of millimoles per litre, a term used to describe how much glucose is present in a specific amount of blood. To convert Canadian mmol/L to American mg/dl, multiply by 18.