Open Software Foundation. A consortium of software vendors who have collaborated to produce a standard for Distributed Computing Environment (DCE).
Open Software Foundation. A vendor alliance to define specifications, develop software, and make available an open, portable environment. Now merged with The Open Group.
A consortium of DEC, IBM, HP/Apollo, and other major UNIX hardware vendors.
Open Software Foundation. A Unix standards organization.
Open Software Foundation. A consortium of users and vendors cooperating to achieve a standard implementation of UNIX.
Open Software Foundation. P-Q-R-S
Open Software Foundation. A consortium of hardware manufacturers aimed at setting common standards for open systems, including operating systems and networks. The OSF has defined the Distributed Computing Environment.
Open Software Foundation. An organization created to provide cross-platform software standards. Several common standards include the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) and Motif.
See Open Software Foundation (OSF).
Oppose Sun Forever or Open Systems Foundation
Open Software Foundation. Through a fusion with the standardising organisation x/Open, it has founded The Open Group. See TOG.
Open Software Foundation. A nonprofit organization founded to develop specifications for an open software environment.
Open Software Foundation. A consortium of vendors, service providers and end-user companies formed to promote open computing. The OSF defines the standards for technologies such as DCE and produces source code which is then licensed by vendors. Some of the leading sponsor members of OSF include Digital Equipment Corp., Hewlett Packard, IBM, Hitachi, Sun Microsystems, Bull and Transarc.
A vendor consortium formed to develop multivendor standards for open systems. OSF merged with X/Open in 1996 to form the Open Group.
Open Software Foundation. A consortium promoting Unix related technology - including operating systems (OSF/1), distributed computing environment (DCE), graphical user interface (Motif) - through a jointly owned software house in Cambridge, Mass, USA. Members pay a fee to belong.
(n.) Open Software Foundation; an organization established by a number of the major computer manufacturers to set software standards.
Open Software Foundation. A consortium of hardware and software vendors collaborating to produce technologies for device-independent operation.
Open Systems Foundation. UNIX consortium including Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and DEC, founded 1988. Sponsors of DME.
The Open Software Foundation is an international consortium that promotes the standardization of the UNIX operating system.
n. Acronym for Open Software Foundation. A nonprofit consortium of firms (including DEC, Hewlett-Packard, and IBM), formed in 1988, that promotes standards and specifications for programs operating under UNIX and licenses software (as source code) to its members. OSF's products include the Distributed Computing Environment, the graphical user interface Motif, and the OSF/1 operating system (a variant of UNIX).