The part of the economy concerned with providing basic government services....
A part of society, industry or the economy that is under direct Federal, state or local governmental control. For example, public-sector employers are government agencies and other organizations that represent the general public under governmental control, while public-sector employees work for such organizations. Compare to Private Sector.
Organisations set up by government law (statute), to provide services to the general public (eg City Council, Police etc.).
The offices and responsibilities of government. In economic terms, the part of an economy in which goods and services are produced and/or (re) distributed by government agencies.
The term used to refer to government departments and agencies• Superannuation
a variant of a PeopleSoft software component designed for organizations of a certain type. The components with public sector versions also have private sector versions. The distinction remains a mystery.
local government and nationalized industries or services.
that part of the economy that involves, or is controlled by, federal, state, or local government, as opposed to the private sector. The public sector accounts for about one-fifth of the total economy of the U.S.
Those marketing activities that are a carried out by government agencies for public service rather than for profit.
Any public education or government agency.
This refers to the public authorities, which are government ministries, departments or statutory boards created by an Act of Parliament.
One of the three sectors of the economy, consisting of government and government agencies. The two other sectors are the Non-Profit Sector and the Private Sector.
That portion of the economy composed of all levels of government, and excluding businesses and households. See private sector.... read full article
A grouping of business sectors including Public Administration, Health and Education.
The term Public Sector is used in this Profile to refer to the Western Australian State Government Workforce. It consists of all employees of State Government departments, trading concerns, instrumentalities, agencies or statutory bodies established by or under a law of the State including primary products bodies, regulatory bodies, quasi-judicial bodies, trustees, advisory committees and regional bodies. Tertiary Institutes and Local Government, however are generally excluded from the aggregated information in this report.
The public sector comprises the state sector ('central government') and all local authorities ('local government'), including local authority trading enterprises (LATEs). As distinct from 'private sector'.
n. the area of a nation's economy that is under governmental, rather than any private, control.
The part of a national economy accounted for by government expenditures and state-owned or state-controlled enterprises. See also Nonmarket Economy; Private Sector.
That part of a national economy subject to direct government ownership and control. The constituents of the public sector are the departments of central and local government, various government agencies and the nationalised industries. The public sector is motivated by the welfare of the community as a whole
A classification drawn from sectors and subsectors of the SNA classification consisting of general government and the public subsectors of nonfinancial and financial corporations. The principle of classification is that of government ownership and/or control rather than function (as in the primary classification of SNA). An important subdivision within this sector for fiscal analysis purposes is the "nonfinancial public sector" comprising general government and nonfinancial public enterprises.
The area of the economy control ed by state and Commonwealth governments.
Anything done by central government, including all ministries and departments, or actions done by people or organisations who are performing a public function conferred on them by law (such as schools providing public education and local authorities providing water or sewerage facilities).
The network of AOD abuse treatment providers supported by public (Federal, State, and local) funds. Within each State, public-sector agencies are overseen by a single State AOD agency that disburses funds. Several States have developed their own patient placement criteria.
The part of the economy that is owned by the state or that it is communally owned, including the national provincial and local authorities and public entities.
The part of the economy which is made up of Government enterprises and activities. The public sector includes public service departments, essential services such as health, education, transport and defence. See also Private Sector.
The public sector is the part of economic and administrative life that deals with the delivery of goods and services by and for the government, whether national, regional or local/municipal.