A perennial herb similar to thyme which comes in two main forms, summer savory and winter savory, q.v. Traditionally used to flavor beans.
The light peppery taste of both winter and summer savory makes the chopped leaves of this herb good for soups, with egg dishes, beans, fish, beef and poultry. Also popular in salads and omelets, savory should be used in moderation as it tends to drown out the flavor of other herbs. Savory is easily raised in pots and grows to about 30 cm in height. Sprigs may be propagated at any time and fresh leaves can be enjoyed throughout the year.
Dried whole or ground leaves with a grassy aroma, savory has a light, fragrant flavor. Add to egg, rice, vegetable and poultry dishes.
any of several aromatic herbs or subshrubs of the genus Satureja having spikes of flowers attractive to bees
dwarf aromatic shrub of Mediterranean regions
either of two aromatic herbs of the mint family
an aromatic or spicy dish served at the end of dinner or as an hors d'oeuvre
having an agreeably pungent taste
From the mint family, savory is an herb with a flavor similar to thyme and sage. The word savory may also mean a dish which is piquant (rather than sweet) in flavor.
A general descriptive term that denotes that the wine is round, flavorful, and interesting to drink. shallow: A weak, feeble, watery or diluted wine lacking concentration is said to be shallow.
Crushed leaves Fragrant herb of mint family; summer savory is preferred to winter Many meat, poultry, fish, egg, and vegetable dishes
Strong flavoured herb of the mint family.
A strongly flavored herb of the mint family. There are two varieties: winter and summer. The summer savory is slightly milder, but both should be used carefully. Savory has a flavor reminiscent of a cross between thyme and mint.
has flavor. Which one? It might be salty, spicy, pungent, sweet or plainly aromatic and flavorful, but the taste would be pleasant and agreeable.
There are two types of this Mediterranean herb winter savory and summer savory. Both have a peppery thyme/mintlike flavor although summer savory is milder and used more extensively than the winter variety. Savory is often combined with fatty and/or acidic foods as it aids in their digestion.
Savory (Satureja) is a genus of about 30 species of annual or perennial herbs and subshrubs in the family Lamiaceae, native to warm temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They are low-growing plants, found in dry, sunny areas, and reaching 15 to 50 cm tall with small leaves 1 to 3 cm long. The flowers are produced in whorls on the stem, white to pale pink-violet.