Marjoram is a herb. It is a compact, upright plant with soft grey-green leaves. The leaves, whether fresh or dried, can be used for seasoning a number of savoury foods. Marjoram, sage and thyme can be combined to make a traditional mixed herb.
beef, pork, scrambled eggs, salmon cakes, chicken or potato soup
(Origanum marjorana) This herb has a warm, penetrating and spicy scent and is native to France, Hungary and to parts of Northern Africa. In ancient Greece it was used extensively to treat spasms and excess fluid on the body. The scent has a calming effect on the nervous system and relieves anxiety, stress and hyperactivity. It is effective against muscular pain, especially in the lower back. It lowers high blood pressure and aids in digestion, reduces congestion in chest infections and relieves colds, headaches, migraines and insomnia. Marjoram is a relaxant, antispasmodic, antiseptic type of herb
A fragrant, aromatic herb that comes from the mint family. Often used interchangeably with oregano, but has a milder, sweeter flavor. Marjoram is used to flavor meats, sauces and vegetables. Found fresh throughout the Mediterranean and available fresh in some United States markets. Most often available dried. If purchased fresh, look for a bunch that is not wilted and store fresh stems in water (as you would flowers). Fresh marjoram will keep up to 1 week.
Marjoram is the graygreen leaf of Majorana hortensis, a low growing member of the mint family. It is often mistaken for oregano, although they are not the same plant.
mild herb similar to oregano
Both the fresh and dried leaves of marjoram have a strong, savory flavor. Suitable for veal, lamb, and poultry dishes, green vegetables and tomatoes
aromatic Eurasian perennial
pungent leaves used as seasoning with meats and fowl and in stews and soups and omelets
about ( Herb Vinaigrette)
An herb with a slight mint flavor, similar to sage or oregano.
The name given to species of the origanum group in particular "Origanum majorana"-sweet or knotted marjoram, "Origanum onites"-pot or French marjoram, and "Origanum heracleoticum"-winter marjoram. It has a very interesting and strong aroma.
Crushed leaves Grey-green herb with pleasant aroma and slightly minty flavor, similar to oregano but much milder Pates and ground meats, braised meats, sauces, roast lamb, poultry and poultry stuffing
In the southern United States marjoram is a perennial but in northern states is regarded as an annual. Marjoram grows to approximately one foot in height and individual plants should be spaced six inches apart. The plant is grown solely for the leaves which are cut when the plant begins to flower and are allowed to slowly dry in a shady location Marjoram has many medicinal properties and is often used as an essential oil. It is a balancing and soothing herb with sedative and calming properties. It will lower the blood pressure, ease respiratory and stomach problems, cure headache, and tastes fantastic with lamb, fish, salads and soups.
Herb from the mint family with a mild flavor like sage.
A culinary herb from the mint family with a mild, sweet sagelike flavor. Used to flavor meats and stews.
an herb and member of the mint family (Origanum marjorana) native to the Mediterranean, has short oval, pale green leaves, a sweet flavor reminiscent of thyme and oregano and a strong aroma; also known as sweet marjoram.
is a pungent, aromatic herb used fresh or dried to season meats (particularly lamb), poultry, seafood, vegetables, and eggs. Store fresh marjoram in the refrigerator, wrapped in paper towels and enclosed in a plastic bag. Dried marjoram, found with other
Indigenous to the Mediterranean this herb in its most common form has a sweet delicate oreganolike flavor and aroma. Marjoram is prized for its ability to combat insomnia menstrual cramps stress and respiratory ailments. Available both dry and fresh though the latter is far more fragrant.
Marjoram (Origanum majorana, Lamiaceae) is a cold-sensitive perennial herb or undershrub with sweet pine and citrus flavors. It is also called Sweet Marjoram or Knotted Marjoram and Majorana hortensis.