Definitions for "Add-ons"
Extras offered when buying a car from a dealership. Popular add-ons include tinted windows, satellite radio, navigation systems, DVD players, etc..
Products or services sold by dealerships that can be added on to the vehicle. Some examples include rust-proofing, upholstery treatments, alarm systems, and extended warranties. Remember that these add-ons will increase the price of the vehicle, and your monthly payment. Also these items are normally marked up outrageously. Also referred to as snake oil by dealers, because it bites you.
Products or services sold by dealerships that can be added on to the automobile and the cost of which can be financed along with the price of the car by including the amounts/costs/fees in the amount to be repaid. Some examples include rust-proofing, upholstery treatments, alarm systems, and extended warranties. Remember that these add-ons will increase the price, and your monthly payment.
Keywords:  zois, greenware, miller, pip, cups
additional coverage to your basic policy. An example of an ad-on that Miller & Zois recommends is additional PIP coverage.
are greenware parts that are added to the main casted piece (Example: handles to cups).
In the automotive world, a synonym for options.
Also known as options. These are features added on to the car often by the dealer such as a CD stereo, anti-theft system, detailing and undercoating. Some items are purely decorative, known as "mop and glow," and do not add any value to the car.
Refer to Options.
LFH offers interactive features like web statistics, e-commerce, shopping cart, password protected directories, nationwide internet access, and guest book, which are simple to add to your web site. Offered in all packages. Some are free and some involve additional monthly charges.
are elements that you can include on your web site to improve interaction with your visitors and make your site more informative and appealing. Easy-to-use add-ons such as guestbooks, counters, and maps are available to all Web Hosting users. Learn more.
Optional arrangements customers can purchase in conjunction with a vacation.
Additional arrangements that can be purchased in conjunction with a tour.
Features and enhancements that may be installed on leased equipment.
Features and enhancements that may be installed on lease equipment. Or additional coverage to your basic policy, sometimes unnecessary.