Implementation Force, the NATO-led peacekeeping force in Bosnia created under the Dayton accords.
NATO'S implementation force, created under the Dayton Peace Accords. Commanded by Admiral Leighton W. Smith, Jr., this unit has been accused of avoiding taking charged persons like Karadzic and Mladic into custody.
multinational military force under the command of NATO, authorized by the UN to monitor compliance with the agreement on military aspects of the Dayton Agreement.
Implementation Force. The NATO force that assumed peacekeeping duties in Bosnia from the UN. About half of IFOR forces were already in country as part of the UN. IFOR's mission was to "achieve public confidence in the transition from IFOR to the host nation [Bosnia]." IFOR was commanded by U.S. Admiral Leighton Smith. Also known as "Incarcerated Forces".
The Implementation Force (IFOR) was a NATO-led multinational force in Bosnia and Herzegovina under a one year mandate from 20 December 1995 to 20 December 1996 under the codename Operation Joint Endeavour to implement the military Annexes of The General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, having taken over from UNPROFOR.