A costume sometimes worn by Scotchmen in America and Americans in Scotland.
A kind of short petticoat, reaching from the waist to the knees, worn in the Highlands of Scotland by men, and in the Lowlands by young boys; a filibeg.
To tuck up; to truss up, as the clothes.
skirt worn by men in ancient Egypt
a knee-length pleated tartan skirt worn by men in the Highlands of northern Scotland
a coloured skirt reaching down to the knee
a garment like no other, a truly unique addition to a man's wardrobe
a knee-length pleated skirt usually of tartan
a man's skirt and traditionally a masculine garment
a men's garment that consists primarily of a length of cloth wrapped around the waist
an investment that will last longer than any garment in
an unrivaled garment for fornication and diarrhea
a prefectly functional peice of clothing, and people shouldn't freak out simply because our culture has some ridiculous notions about gender-appropriate garments
a short pleated skirt worn by men
a special type of pleated skirt that wraps around the waist and has an overlapping front
a tartan, or plaid, knee length skirt
A kilt is the traditional clothing of Scotland. Originally a large blanket pleated around the waist; held by a large, broad belt. The excess free cloth was gathered and pinned to the shirt or coat with a brooch on the left shoulder.
A kilt is a pleated tartan fabric garment.
A skirt made of tartan wool, with deep pleats. Mostly worn by men of the Scottish Highlands.
A short, pleated, usually linen wrap of cloth worn around the waist by men