An organic material composed of molecules characterized by the repetition of one or more types of monomeric units.
Result of a chemical linking of molecules into a long chain-like structure. Natural and synthetic rubbers and rubber-like materials are polymers.
Long chained molecules made up of many smaller units, repeated many times. These units are often a combination of carbon and hydrogen, along with other elements added to change the properties of the polymer.
a chemical compound formed by the linkage of molecular pieces.
A compound made up of a long chain of identical or similar units.
A chain-like compound of high molecular weight formed by the linking together of simple molecules under suitable conditions. When two or more monomers are involved, the product is called a copolymer. (SEE MONOMER)
A natural or synthetic compound that consists of large molecules made of many chemically-bonded smaller identical molecules or monomers strung together in a chain-like form.
Polymer means "many parts". A polymer is a substance composed of complex molecules. Theses molecules are composed of long chains of simpler units called monomers. Almost all the things we call "plastics" are polymers, and it is the longchain molecule that gives them their useful characteristics. Stated very simply, polymerizing means the chemical linking of monomers (simple compounds) to form the wide variety of polymers (with longchain molecules) which are the basis of the modern plastics industry.
Molecules which are composed of linked repeating units (called monomers) are referred to as polymers. Polymers are the basis for many plastics and synthetic fibers such as Teflon and polyester.
(r) a substance consisting of macromolecules characterized by the repetition (neglecting ends, branch junctions and other minor irregularities) of one or more types of monomeric units.
A chemical formed of repeating molecular structures, Starch is a polymer of glucose, protein is a polymer of amino acids, and polyphenols are polymers of monophenols and flavanoids. Oxidation and certain malt enzymes promote phenolic polymerization.
A chain molecule composed of many identical groups, commonly found in plastics. No entries.
General term used to describe all rubbers and plastics. In fact, it is the chemical term used to describe all organic materials which are formed from chains of repeated chemical units.
a type of chemical when combined with other types of coagulants aid in binding small suspended particles to larger particles to help in the settling and filtering processes.
A molecule with a large molecular weight formed by the linking of 30 to 100,000 (or more) repeating units.
A material made up of very high molecular mass molecules which consist of repeated sub-units. In polystyrene the repeated unit is styrene.
A large molecule consisting of a long chain of subunits.
A group of components (monomers) linked together in a chain-like fashion.
A chemical compound that is added to wastewater that causes the solids suspended in the water to adhere, preparing the wastewater for the dewatering and thickening processes.
A long molecule, which is made by connecting many small building blocks (monomers), a little bit like a necklace or a chain. Think of plastics
A molecule made up of smaller units bonded to form a chain.
A large molecule whose molecular mass is the multiple of another, smaller molecule called a monomer.
Polymers are large molecules of high molecular weight. They consist of long, repeated and sometimes, branched chains, built up from small sub-units called monomers. Natural polymers include proteins (polymer of amino acids) & cellulose (polymer of sugar molecules). There are many examples of synthetic polymers - e.g. PVC (a polymer of vinyl acetate), PTFE or Teflon (a polymer of molecules containing fluorine and carbon). PTFE is the basis of the Gortex® membrane. There are several polymers (both natural and synthetic) used in Nikwax products to provide water-repellency and durability.
a large molecule that is made of many smaller molecules linked together
Synthetic organic compound with high molecular weight and composed of repeating chemical units (monomers); they may be polyelectrolytes, such as water-soluble flocculants or water-insoluble ion exchange resins, or insoluble uncharged materials, such as those used for plastic or plastic-lined pipe and plastic trickling filter media.
A compound formed by the reaction of simple molecules called monomers, having functional groups that permit their combination to proceed to high molecular weights under suitable conditions. It is a long-chain molecular structure.
a compound formed by linking a number of monomers or small molecules; for example one of MacroPore Biosurgery's polymers is a copolymer of two monomers: L-lactide and D,L-lactide.
Polymers are large chemical molecules from which synthetic fibers are made. Polymers are complex, chain-like molecules made by uniting simpler molecules called monomers. Synthetic polymers used for commercial carpet fiber include Type 6,6 nylon and Type 6 nylon (polyamides) and polypropylene.
Polymers are large molecules made by joining small molecules together in a chain. Examples: polyethylene, proteins, DNA. For more information on polymers see this site.
a very large molecule formed by the covalent bonding of repeating small molecules, known as monomers.
A macromolecule synthesized by the chemical joining of many identical or similar monomers. For example, amino acids, monosaccharides and nucleotides give rise to proteins, polysaccharides and nucleic acids respectively. Water is eliminated between the monomers as they link to form chains. The individual monomer units condensed within a chain are often referred to as residues, a term which is also employed for the bases incorporated in polynucleotides.
A large molecule composed of two or more simpler molecules, such as; nylon, cellulose, etc.
a substance with many molecular parts
Chain molecule made up of smaller units (monomers and oligomers).
A broad class of chemicals such as epoxy, polyester, nylon, acrylics, and polyurethanes. Usually made by causing a chemical reaction between two or more basic chemicals called monomers. A polymer's strength is mainly influenced by its structure, be it a chain, a planar or 3D structure.
A complex, relatively large, molecule produced by the reaction of a simpler compound with itself. Usually refers to synthesized organic resins, but may also refer to natural materials, such as starch, sugar, cellulose, and natural rubber.
Polymer is derived from the Greek word poly meaning many while the term monomer is derived from mono meaning one. When identical simple molecules (monomers) come together and link up in a chain-like fashion they form a polymer. Polymers can be short chains of only a few dozen units, or long chains with millions of units. The chemical reaction that forms a polymer is called polymerisation. There are natural polymers (often referred to as biopolymers) such as cellulose, rubber and DNA, and synthetic polymers such as polyethylene, nylon and PVC.
Large molecule made by forming a series of covalent bonds that link multiple identical or similar units (monomers).
A chemical combination of monomer components.
A chemical compound composed of many similar, smaller parts chemically linked to one another. As related to emulsion floor finishes and sealers, polymers are the major film forming agent which contributes gloss and durability to the finish or sealer.
Polymers and Associated Materials Substance comprising large molecules formed by the multiple repetition of one or more structural units linked to each other.
A large molecule consisting of the same or similar units attached in a series, forming a chain.
The resulting form of many small molecules joined together; a mixture of compounds formed by a specific molecular process called polymerization.
the chemical solution from which man-made fibers are spun
A long repeating chain of smaller units.Most plastics are polymers.
A polymer is a large molecule which is made up of many small chemical units called "monomers". Typically monomers used to make up polymers used in asphalt modification are styrene and butadiene
A large molecule of high molecular mass, formed by the joining together, or polymerization, of a large number of molecules of low molecular mass. Brown, Theodore L., H. Eugene LeMay, Jr. and Bruce E. Bursten.-8th ed. Chemistry: the central science. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 2000. (Tayolor Whitney)
Polymer is a substance composed of molecules of high relative molecular mass (molecular weight), the structure of which essentially comprises the multiple repetition of units derived, actually or conceptually, from molecules of low relative molecular mass (monomers). In most cases the number of monomers is quite large and often is not precisely known. A single molecule of a polymer is called a macromolecule.
A large molecule made up of similar or identical subunits called monomers. (Contrast with monomer, oligomer.)
Any large molecule composed of multiple identical or similar units (monomers) linked by covalent bonds.
A complex chemical (sometimes natural, but generally synthetic) composed of repetitive units of one or more simple chemical compounds that have been strongly reacted together. The finished polymer often bears little resemblance to its chemical antecedents in physical form or physical properties.
The technical word for the end product which is usually solid, and produced from a monomer.
The chemical term for resin.
Chains of identical molecules – monomers – that form the basis of most plastics and adhesives.
A substance consisting of giant molecules formed from smaller molecules of the same kind -- i.e., polymerized.
A molecular compound made up of a chain of similar units. In the context of this text it refers to a chain of simple glucose molecules.
A large molecule consisting of repeating units of a monomer. Polymers may be natural, such as cellulose or synthetic such as most plastics.
A large molecule made up of repeating units of smaller molecules. Used to form plastic substances.
a naturally occurring or synthetic compound consisting of large molecules made up of a linked series of repeated simple monomers
a big molecule made from smaller molecules and would include natural protein or synthetic carbomers and the like
a blend of materials created by linking the molecules of different chemical substances
a chain of molecules, which Coleman describes as being similar to a string of spaghetti
a chain of small molecules joined together in a repeating fashion to form a single layer molecule
a chain that is made up of many similar molecular groups, better known a
a chemical compound essentially made up of repeating structural units (monomers)
a chemical compound formed by a chemical reaction in which two or more small molecules (called "monomers") combine to form larger molecules that contain repeating structural units of the original molecule(s)
a chemical compound made of many identical components linked together like a chain
a chemical compound with high molecular weight consisting of a number of structural units linked together by covalent bonds
a complex molecule made up of smaller, simpler molecules (monomers) that attach to form repeating structural units
a compound consisting of large molecules made up of a linked series of repeated single molecules, which are often called monomers
a compound formed by a chemical reaction which combines particles into groups of repeating large molecules
a compound formed of many smaller molecules
a compound made up of large molecules composed of many repeated simple units
a giant molecule made from a large number of similar small molecules, called monomers, which are joined together chemically
a grouping or cluster of molecules that contain repeating structural units of the original molecule, acting as a carrier which holds nutrients in solution in a water base
a high molecular weight molecule that is made up of repeating molecular units (monomers)
a high-molecular-weight organic compound, natural or man-made, consisting
a large, long-chained molecule formed by the union of simple molecules, known as monomers
a large molecule consisting of a number of repeating units or structures
a large molecule consisting of many smaller or identical pieces called monomers
a large molecule formed from many identical smaller molecules (monomers)
a large molecule formed from repeating unit molecules ( monomers ) covalently bound together
a large molecule made of repeating basic units known as monomers
a large molecule made out of repeating molecular subunits
a large molecule made up of many smaller molecules that are linked together into long chain
a large molecule made up of many small, simple chemical units, joined together by chemical bonds
a large molecule, often containing many thousands of small molecules
a large molecule that often is described as being a long molecular strand, much like spaghetti
a large molecule which is composed of many repeating monomer units
a large, often chainlike molecule that may consist of repeated linked units of relatively small molecules
a large, organic, chain-like molecule made of repeated units of smaller molecules
a linkage of small units which forms a chemical chain or a large, complex molecule
a long, chainlike molecule in which the links are repeating units of a relatively small molecule - in this case, MHC
a long chain of atoms, formed through the repetition of an identical molecule - called monomer
a long chain of molecules, commonly known as plastics
a long molecule chain with many positively charged hooks throughout
a long molecule consisting of a chain of monomers strung together through chemical bonds
a long repeating chain of atoms
a macromolecule in which all of the molecules have a small characteristic structural feature that repeats itself again and again
a material whose molecules consist of very long chains of one or two repeating units known as monomers
a molecule built up by repetitive bonding together of smaller units called monomers
a molecule made up of many repeating units
a molecule of high molecular weight, made up of many smaller molecules (monomers) that are linked end to end in a chainlike arrangement
a molecule that is made by linking many small units (monomers) together to form a larger molecule
a molecule that looks like a long chain
a naturally occurring or synthetic compound that has large molecules made up of many relatively simple repeated units
a pressure-sensitive adhesive within the meaning of the term as used herein if it has the properties of a pressure-sensitive adhesive per se or functions as a pressure-sensitive adhesive by admixture with tackifiers, plasticizers or other additives
a relatively large molecule made up of many repetitive groups of atoms
a repeating chain of molecules formed by the bonding of smaller, identical molecules called monomers
a repetitive chain of monomers, which string together linearly
a series of organic molecules linked in long chains
a string of repeating molecules that forms a long chain
a substance formed by the union of small molecules of the same kind, a repeating structural unit
a substance made up of many repeating units (called monomer units)
a substance that is made up of many very large molecules where each molecule consists of very many repeated units, like links in a chain
a very large molecule in which one or two small units is repeated over and over again
A polymer is the result of the polymerisation process in which small and simple molecules, called monomers, are joined together.
A chemical compound of high molecular weight consisting of many small molecules linked in a chain.
An organic substance composed of repeating chemical units built up into large molecules.
A large molecule formed by combining many similar, smaller molecules.
A compound reaction in which the molecules of a monomer are linked together to form large molecules whose weight is a multiple of that of the original substance.
Large molecules built up by the combination of many small molecules through a chemical process called polymerzation. These molecules can consist of many thousands of atoms in chains or networks of repeating units.
A large molecule formed by the linking of smaller molecules (monomers), which may be identical or different from one another.
An organic carbon compound or mixture of compounds essentially consisting of structural units that repeat any number of times. Vinyl resins are an example.
Styrene acrylate compound used as the backbone for many coatings and adhesives including resilient floor finishes.
A substance of high molecular weight, made up of a chain of repeated units.
A long chain molecular structure formed by a reaction between monomers and/or oligomers.
A natural or synthetic macromolecule made up of combinations of repeating chemical units. Examples include cellulose and plastics.
a compound composed of many repeated units or one or more basic molecules.
A large molecule composed of linkage of smaller, identical molecules called monomers. Polymers may be formed in one of two ways: by chemically uniting the individual monomers or by repeatedly condensing two or more chemicals. High polymers contain numerous monomers and have a high molecular weight. Low polymers, by contrast, have only a few monomer units and a low molecular weight.
A plastic-like material produced from chemical "monomers" which in turn have been produced from alcohols and petrochemicals. Certain polymers are used as latex paint and caulk binders. The binder's polymer particles are small and carried in water. The molecules consist of one or more structural units repeated any number of times; vinyl resins are examples of true polymers.
The type of plastic (actually a polyolefin) used to produce fibers.
A material formed by the joining together of many (poly) individual units (mer) of one or more monomers. Synonymous with Elastomer.
A high molecular weight compound consisting of a chain of regularly repeating smaller molecules.
A complex compound made up by the reaction of simple molecules having functional groups which permit their combination to proceed to a high molecular weight given appropriate reaction conditions; polymers may be formed by addition or condensation reactions; addition polymers include acrylics, ABS, nylons and styrenics, condensation polymers are epoxies, phenolics and silicones.
A natural or synthetic compound consisting of smaller inter-linked molecules.
Polymer medium + pigment = acrylic paint. Essentially, it's liquid plastic, and dries to a plastic film.
Chemical used for flocculation in dewatering. Also known as a "polyelectrolyte" which is a substance made of giant molecules formed by the union of simple smaller molecules.
A substance either man-made or natural consisting of several repeating units known as monomers.
A high molecular weight substance, natural or synthetic, which can be represented as a repeated small unit (monomer). A copolymer contains more than one type of monomeric unit.
Polymer is a special kind of plastic that Australian monetary notes are printed on. Polymer notes have the advantage over paper notes that they are more durable - they last longer. But they also have one more special feature which helps to stop the illegal counterfeiting of notes. The clear, see-through portion of the note can't be copied in any way what-so-ever, without printing on original polymer plastic. Although being more durable than the old paper notes, polymer notes are just as light and convenient as notes always were.
Polymers are large molecules that are made up of many units (monomers) linked together in a chain. There are naturally occurring polymers (eg, starch and DNA) and synthetic polymers (eg, nylon and silicone). More information can be found at The basics – polymer definition & properties (Plastic Resource, USA) and Introduction to polymers (Case Western Reserve University, USA).
The solid polyurethane rubber produced from the chemical reaction of VIBRATHANE prepolymer with curative. The final roll compound often also contains additives such as plasticizer or filler that are dissolved or dispersed in the polyurethane polymer.
One of many synthetic and natural compounds of high molecular weight. They are composed of millions of repeating links, each considerably light and simple.
A chain molecule that is typically found in plastics and made up of long molecular chains created from monomers, which occur as repetitive building blocks.
A compound formed by the linking of simple and identical molecules having functional groups that permit their combination to proceed to higher molecular weights under suitable conditions.
A chemical formed by the union of many monomers (a molecule of low molecular weight). Polymers are used with other chemical coagulants to aid in binding small suspended particles to larger chemical flocs for their removal from water. All polyelectrolytes are polymers, but not all polymers are polyelectrolytes.
Macromolecular material formed by the chemical combination of monomers having either the same or different chemical composition.
A large molecule formed when many molecules are linked together by polymerization.
A synthetic plastic material consisting of large molecules made up of a linked series of repeated simple monomers. The insulating medium used in Multifuse® devices which maintains the carbon chains in suspension during overcurrent while permitting the carbon chains to form during normal operation.
A linked chain of repeating subunits that from a larger molecule; DNA is a type of polymer.
Substance, the molecules of which consist of one or more structural units repeated any number of times; vinyl resins are examples of true polymers.
any of numerous natural or synthetic compounds consisting of up to millions of repeated linked molecular units, each being a relatively light and simple molecule.
Two or more monomers bonded together through a chemical reaction. Each polymer consists of a chain of repeating monomers.
A very large molecule formed by combining a large number of smaller molecules, called monomers, in a regular pattern.
A material composed of repeating atoms, molecules, or functional groups that are linked together in sufficient amounts that removal or addition of a few units does not substantially vary the properties of the polymer.
a natural or synthetic high molecular weight compound made up of many smaller repeating units.
A substance formed by joining smaller molecules. Examples of polymers include plastic, acrylic, cellulose acetate, cellulose propionate, nylon, etc.
A compound used as a binder for solid rocket propellant systems; more generally, a compound consisting of repeating structural units.
A natural or synthetic chemical structure where two or more like molecules are joined to form a more complex molecular structure (e.g. polyethylene in plastic).
a solid, nonmetallic (normally organic) compound of high molecular weight the structure of which is composed of small repeat (or mer) units.
Organic molecule composed of smaller units known as monomers. A large molecule composed of smaller subunits, for example starch is a polymer of glucose, proteins are polymers of amino acids.
Large molecules consisting of many small repeating units
A plastic-like material produced from chemical "monomers" which in turn have been produced from alcohols and petrochemicals. Certain polymers are used as water-based paint and sealant binders. The binder's polymer particles are small and carried in water. The binder polymer particles and water mixture is known as an emulsion or as "latex."
A long chain molecule built up from small units called monomers.
a soft plastic-like substance frequently used in putters with poured face inserts (such as Odyssey).
A large molecule made by linking smaller molecules ("monomers") together.
A long molecule of repeated subunits.
A long organic molecule made up of small, repeating units (literally, many mers). Analogous to a freight train, where each individual unit is represented by a freight car. At very high magnification, a chunk of polymer would resemble a bowl of cooked spaghetti. Plastic materials are polymers. The strength and toughness of plastics is due, in part, to the length of its polymer molecules. If the chains (links in the freight train) are broken by hydrolysis, the shorter chains will impart less strength to the plastic. If enough polymer chains are broken, the plastic will become weak, powdery, or gooey. See binder.
Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usu. high molecular weight composed of up to millions of repeated linked units, each a relatively light and simple molecule.
long-chain molecules consisting of repeating chemical units called monomers. Polymeric materials include plastics and rubber.
A substance formed by the combining together of large numbers of small molecules.
Large chain molecules found in many clarifiers.
POL-eh-mer A long molecule composed of similar subunits. 43
A high molecular weight, organic compound, natural or synthetic. The structure can be represented by a repeated smaller unit (monomer). If two or more different monomers are involved, a co-polymer will result. Some polymers are elastomers and some are rigid.
A chain of organic molecules produced by the joining of primary units called monomers.
A high molecular weight organic compound, natural or synthetic, whose structure can be represented by a repeated small unit. Some polymers are elastomers while others are plastics. When two or more monomers are involved, the product is called a co-polymer.
Small molecular unit (monomer), containing 6-40 atoms is repeated over and over to form a polymer; polymer molecule may consist of 100-1000 monomer units; polymer molecules consist of 103-105 atoms, mainly carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.
A high molecular weight material formed by chemically joining together five or more molecules (monomers)
chain of monomers of length 50; longer than an oligomer.
A strand of monomers. By definition, it takes five or more of these combining units to make a polymer. Shorter chains have individual names (dimer, trimer, and tetramer). Most familiar synthetic polymers, plastics like polystyrene, polypropylene, and polyvinyl chloride for instance, contain a huge number of monomers--practically too many to count.
A large molecule built up by the repetition of small, simple chemical units high molecular-weight substance (from 10.000 to 20,000) formed in an association reaction in which many molecules come together to form one large molecule.
a molecule formed when monomers are joined together
A compound consisting of one or more large molecules formed from repeated units of smaller molecules
a substance containing large molecules formed from smaller molecules in repeating structural units. In the oilfield, various polymers are used to thicken drilling fluids, fracturing fluids, acid and other liquids. In petrochemical production, polymers are used as a feedstock for plastics.
The simplest definition of a Polymer is something made of many units. Many common classes of Polymers are composed of hydrocarbons. Polymers have many inherent properties that can be enhanced by a wide range of additives to broaden their use and application.
a molecule that is made by covalently linking a number of smaller molecular units (monomers) that are similar or identical to each other.
A complex compound formed by the polymerization of one or more monomers.
A substance made of many repeating chemical units or molecules. The term polymer is often used in place of plastic, rubber, or elastomer.
A general term used to define chemical compounds such as polyethylene or polypropylene. Technically they are long chains of molecular bonded repeating structural units of the original molecules. Go to top
a macromolecule composed of a covalently bonded collection of repeating subunits or monomers linked together during a repetitive series of similar chemical reactions
A product formed by the chemical reaction of the addition of a large number of small molecules that have the ability to combine and reach high molecular weights.
a large, usually chain-like molecule built from many small molecules (monomers).
A natural or synthetic compound composed of repeated links of simple molecules.
A molecule built up from repeating units of the same general type.
A natural or synthetic compound of high molecular weight made up of five or more linked units called monomers
When certain individual molecules (monomers) come together and link up in a chain-like fashion they form a polymer. The chemical reaction that forms a polymer is called polymerisation. There are natural polymers (often referred to as biopolymers), such as cellulose, certain rubbers and DNA, and synthetic polymers, such as polystyrene and fibreglass (see uPES). See also Plastics, Resins and Rubber.
a high molecular weight macromolecule made up of multiple repeating units.
A material of high molecular weight formed by the chemical union of monomers.
A substance made of giant molecules formed by the union of simpler molecules. Many water clarifiers are made from organic polymers. An example would be polymerized ethylene is called polyethylene.
A substance of molecules that consist of one or more structural units repeated any number of times.
Chainlinked molecules, built from monomers, that are the basis for synthetic fibers, rubbers, and plastics.
A complex chemical compound made of similar compounds linked together (e.g. acrylics, epoxies, silicones, urethanes).
a substance that consists of large molecules formed from smaller molecules in repeating structural units (monomers). In oilfield operations, various types of polymers are used to thicken drilling mud, fracturing fluid, acid, water, and other liquids. See micellar-polymer flooding, polymer mud. In petroleum refining, heat and pressure are used to polymerize light hydrocarbons into larger molecules, such as those that make up high-octane gasoline. In petrochemical production, polymer hydrocarbons are used as a feedstock for plastics.
A macromolecule formed from a long chain of molecules called monomers; a high-molecular-weight material composed of repeating sub-units. Polymers may be organic, inorganic, or organometallic, and synthetic or natural in origin. See biopolymer.
An algaecide / algaestat made up of repeating polymer molecules. Used for green algae and available in varying strengths.
A generic term used to describe a substantially long molecule. This long molecule consists of structural units and repeating units strung together through chemical bonds. The process of converting these units to a polymer is called polymerization. These units consist of monomers, which are typically small molecules of low molecular weight.
A polymer is a long chain molecule or a complex 3-dimensional lattice produced by the reaction of simple compounds with each other. There are two types of poymerisation. The first, where compounds open a double bond and link together via the radicals formed is called addition polymerisation. eg. the poylmerisation of propylene to polypropylene: The other main type of polymerisation is condensation polymerisation, where as with condensation reactions, a simple molecule is eliminated during the formation of the polymer, eg. the reaction between adipic acid and hexamethylenediamine to produce nylon
A molecule made up from many similar smaller molecules called monomers. Examples include PVC or poly-vinyl chloride and polyester.
(1) Long, chain macromolecules produced from monomers, for the purpose of increasing tensile strength of sheets used as membranes or flashing; (2) A natural or synthetic chemical compound of high molecular weight or a mixture of such compounds, formed when monomers (small individual molecules) are combined to form large long-chain molecules.
Long chains of covalently bonded atoms.
A high-molecular-weight organic compound, natural or synthetic, whose structure can be represented by a repeated small unit, the mer; e.g., polyethylene, rubber, cellulose. Synthetic polymers are formed by addition or condensation polymerization of monomers. If two or more monomers are involved, a copolymer is obtained. Some polymers are elastomers, some plastics.
In synthetics, the basic chemical unit from which fibers are made. It is made of large complex molecules formed by uniting molecules (monomers).
a molecule created by linking together a large number of a smaller molecule. The small molecule that is linked together is called a monomer.
In chemistry, a large organic compound made up of a series of smaller repeating units joined together by chemical bonds in a regular
any of a large number of natural or synthetic chemical compounds of extremely high molecular weight, formed of simple molecules linked together into giant molecules
A large molecule containing many small units that hook together.
A high molecular weight, long chain compound formed from one or more simple molecules.
large molecules formed by the chemical combination of at least five monomer units. Proteins, natural rubber, plastics, and cellulose are some examples of natural and synthetic polymers. PVC is a polymer of vinyl chloride monomer.
A molecule composed of a large number of atoms, with a molecular weight over about 10,000.
a long-chain molecule, consisting of many repeat units
1) a compound formed by the chemical union of two or more monomers of the same kind. 2) a synthetic or natural compound of high molecular weight.
A resinous or plastic material composed of very large molecules which have been formed from a group of smaller molecules of various chemicals. Formed by a process called polymerisation.
A large molecule consisting of chains or rings of linked monomer units, usually characterized by high melting and boiling points.
Compound that results from a chemical union of two or more molecules of the same kind, and has the same elements in the same proportions but with a higher molecular weight and different physical properties.
Molecule composed of many repeating units (mers).
A complex molecule composed of several smaller parts (monomers).
a chemical compound or mixture of compounds formed by polymerization and consisting essentially of repeating structural units
a natural or man-made material formed by combining units, called monomers, into long chains.
A chemical compound or mixture of componds formed by polymerization.
A compound consisting of long chain-like molecules. The building units in the chain are monomers.
A material formed by the joining together of many (poly) individual units (mar) of a monomer.
A compound formed by the reaction of simple molecules having functional groups that permit their combination to proceed to high molecular weights under suitable conditions. Polymers may be formed by polymerization or polycondensation. When two or more monomers are involved, the product is called a copolymer.
A natural or synthetic compound of high molecular weight composed of long chains of repeating units, each relatively light and simple.
A substance having large molecules consisting of repeated units. There are a number of natural polymers, such as polysaccharides synthetic polymer are extensively used in plastics.
A substance, natural or synthetic, which can be represented as at least two repeated monomer units. A copolymer contains more than one type of monomeric unit.
A macromolecular material formed by a chemical combination of monomers having the same or different chemical composition.
Stable chemical compound or mixture or compounds consisting essentially of repeated structural units. Monomer-based UV-curing inks, once cured, become a solid.
A chain or network made up of many monomer units.
A high molecular-weight organic compound, natural or synthetic, whose structure can usually be represented by a repeated small unit, the MER. Synthetic polymers are formed by addition or condensation polymerization of monomers. Some polymers are elastomers, some plastics, and some are fibers.
In dealing with sponge rubber, this is a large molecular chain made up of two or more monomers. These monomers are polymerized or chemically reacted to form a material that is significantly different than either of the two base monomers from which it was made.
A high molecular weight organic compound made up of many identical components which link to form a chain through a process called polymerization.
A large substance comprising of small repeating molecules. Many coagulants are made from organic polymers as are algaecides and algaestats.
Naturally occurring or synthetic substance consisting of giant molecules formed from smaller molecules of the same substance and often having a definite arrangement of the components of giant molecules.
A long molecule that is made up of a chain of many small repeated units (monomers). Examples of polymers include starch, DNA, protein and plastics.
A substance consisting of large molecules which have been formed from smaller molecules of similar make-up.
a large molecule constructed from many smaller identical units. These include proteins, nucleic acids, and starches.
A compound consisting of multi-linked units of elements, such as hydrogen or silicon.
Material made from chains of identical molecules (monomers). The basis of most plastics and adhesives.
Means "many member". A structure generated by the repetitious joining of many of the same elementary units.
A chemical compound or mixture of compounds formed by polymerization (a chemical reaction in which two or more molecules combine to form larger molecules that contain repeating structural units).
The chemical combination of many (poly), similar molecules (mers). See elastomer.
A substance whose molecules consist of many small molecules linked together by chemical bonds. Most plastics are linear polymers, whose component parts are linked into long molecular chains.
an enormously long molecule formed from monomers.
A macro molecular bonding as an active agent, e.g. pour point or viscosity index enhancer for oils or plastic as thickener for lubricant pastes.
A long chain molecule formed of repeating structural units.
a large molecule formed by the union of at least five (but usually hundreds of) chemical units. These units may be identical or of several different types. Examples are biological substances such as cellulose or DNA, or synthetic polymers such as nylon
A natural or synthetic compund composed of a series of repeated linked units (monomers) creating a chainlike form.
Derives from the Greek word "poly" meaning many and meros meaning part. A polymer consists of a long molecular chain made of equal units. (monomers).
Large organic molecule formed by combining many smaller molecules (monomers) in a regular pattern.
another word for a plastic material, one which has been made from chains of molecules of one or more MONOMERS.
A large molecule consisting of recurring units of a smaller molecule. A polymer can be thought of as a molecular chain, in which small molecules called monomers form the links.
A substance consisting of molecules characterized by repetition (neglecting ends, branches, junctions, and other minor irregularities) of one or more chemically bonded types of monomeric units. A giant, long chain of molecules having extremely high molecular weights made up of many repeating smaller units called monomers or commoners.
A naturally occurring or synthetic molecule made up of a linked series of repeated simple monomers (smaller molecules, simple compounds). find all NHC pages containing: polymer
Polymer is a term used to describe large molecules consisting of repeating structural units, or monomers, connected by covalent chemical bonds. The term is derived from the Greek words: polys meaning many, and meros meaning parts A key feature that distinguishes polymers from other molecules is the repetition of many identical, similar, or complementary molecular subunits in these chains.