The act of admitting again, or the state of being readmitted; as, the readmission of fresh air into an exhausted receiver; the readmission of a student into a seminary.
the act of admitting someone again; "the surgery was performed on his readmission to the clinic"
The process of allowing former students who have not graduated to re-enroll and continue their study at Berea College. The application for readmission begins in the Office of Admissions. Students are not normally admitted for a third time (this includes leaves of absence).
(see Admission or Readmission)
An option available to students that were suspended from the university or students that have not enrolled for a period of time to continue their studies at WSSU.
Patient admission to a hospital for the same or similar diagnosis as a previous, recent admission. Often used as a measure of inappropriate discharge or treatment from the first admission.
The procedure for a previously admitted/enrolled UF student to re-enroll in a degree-seeking status after a break in enrollment of more than one term.
A patient has to go back into the hospital for the same disease or condition (or for an infection) within 15 days of being discharged from the hospital. This can indicate a problem with the patient’s medical treatment. A readmission is not counted in this guide’s reports if it occurs because a patient leaves the hospital before the doctor advises, or if the patient transfers to another hospital.
A repeat admission, after discharge for the same diagnosis or condition as the original admission, that is considered part of the first admission when it occurs within a specified period.
Coming back to register for courses at the University after not attending classes for a semester or more. Students in this situation may obtain information about readmission to the University by contacting the Registrar's Office (or, for graduate students, the Office of Graduate Admissions and the Graduate Registrar).
See Readmission in the Admission Requirements section in this Calendar.
Acceptance back into the college after the student has not been enrolled for 5 years.