Definitions for "De Minimis"
Keywords:  minimis, trifles, lex, hap, curat
Meaning a lower limit before something takes effect. For example, a de minimis of £5000 applies to certain low interest loans made by employers. If the total of these loans to an individual is below this de minimis limit, there is no taxable benefit.
The amount of discount, sometimes referred to as the “cut-off price,” at which an original issue discount bond is exempt from the investor's obligation to accrue income in advance of being received under income tax rules applicable to such securities.  The exemption applies only when the original issue discount is very small ( i.e., de minimis).
A rate of emissions less than or equal to any of the emission rates listed in part 63.44 [59 FR 15505 (April 1, 1994)] or a rate of emissions that is less than or equal to 10 tons per year HAP and for which a State or local reviewing agency has approved a case-by-case demonstration that ambient impacts are de minimis. CA / Fed
provision. The total AMS includes a specific commodity support only if it equals more than 5 percent of its value of production, and noncommodity-specific support only if it exceeds 5 percent of the value of total agricultural output.
Below the level of significance requiring formal determination of project conformity.
Keywords:  duty, higher, customs, collected, level
Value level under which the cost of duty collection for Customs is higher than the duty to be collected.