Glass: Eyeball is made of glass. Glassine: Iris is made of celluloid (or, later, other plastics) With age, glassine eyes of 1930s dolls are subject to crackling . Decal: A decal (transferable film) has been applied to an eye socket so that it looks as if it had been painted. Sleep: An eye mechanism that allows the eye to open and close. Flirty: An eye mechanism that allows the eyes to glance from side to side. Intaglio: Semi-spherical, impressed or incised, painted eyes. Metal (or Tin): Lithographed metal eyes.
The honeybee has a total of five eyes, two compound and three simple eyes, which are used for seeing flowers. The compound eyes are located on each side of the head and are made up of many hexagonal shaped eyes that can see separate points in the field of vision. The simple eyes are on top of the head. The points, when combined, make a complete picture with clearly defined details. A bee's vision is not sensitive to the same range of colors as ours. They are insensitive to red, but detect ultraviolet light, which is invisible to us. They recognize three shades of ultraviolet light, which is necessary because many flowers reflect ultraviolet light.
Organs for seeing -- a crayfish's eyes are on movable stalks which go in any direction
Eye diseases: The general category for eye diseases. The specific diseases, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), cataracts (Ctrct), retinal dysplasia (RD), corneal dystrophy (CDyst), and entropian eyelids (Entrp) will be listed.
usually the object of a verb, as in "to have eyes," oto be interested, to want to do something.
Canine Color Vision Corneal Ulceration Common congenital and heritable ocular disorders of the dog Predispositions to eye diseases in the dog Too many team are better than none The structures of the eye and how they function Cloudy eyes
The individual facets of the compound eye are called the ommatidia. The ommatidia are hexagonal in shape, so that all fit together in a honeycomb pattern to create the complete compound eye. Most dragonflies have larger ommatidia on the upper surface of the eye, and small ones on the lower surface of the eye. The larger lenses allow the dragonfly to see objects that are far away, and the smaller ones allow it to see objects that are near.
Strombid species as other Prosobranchs, (marine snails) possess a pair of eyes situated at the basis of cephalic tentacles. On the contrary, terrestrial snails possess eyes situated at the tip of the tentacles. But the eyestalks are much elongated to allow them to have a look outside from under the large flaring lip of their shell. The real tentacles are very small and look like a small expansion situated over the eye. So the more conspicuous eyestalks may be confused with tentacles. To be able to survey better for enemies, strombid species have a "stromboid notch" which is a special fold of the shell lip designed to accommodate the right eyestalk.
"Eyes" is an episode from the first season of the science-fiction television series Babylon 5.
Eyes was an ABC television series starring Tim Daly as Harlan Judd. Eyes follows the firm of Judd Risk Management which uses barely legal means to investigate individuals and crimes where law enforcement would fall short. With the help of high-tech gadgets, Harlan Judd and his employees recover money for victims as well as investigate individuals for clients but still manage to keep plenty of secrets from one another.
Eyes is an arcade game released in 1982 by Rock-ola.
"Eyes" is the seventh episode in the first season of . It originally aired in North America on November 5, 1995.