A subdivision of a species or subspecies on the basis of the antibodies that the immune system forms against it. These antibodies are found in a person's serum.
the characterization of a microorganism based on the kinds and combinations of constituent antigens present in that organism; a taxonomic subdivision of bacteria based on the above.
Classification of bacterial strains within a sero-group based on a surface antigen In Escherichia coli, there are three components of serotype, the O, H, and K antigens (O for O-side chain of the LPS; H for the flagella antigen, and K for capsule. (Lecture: The Bacterial Cell: Structure, Function, Growth, and Gene Regulation I, 1/24/02)
A strain of bacteria with a unique antigen such that it induces antibody specific for that organism. It is also a subdivision of a particular species.
A serologically (antigenically) distinct variety within a bacterial species.
a subgroup within a species, defined by reaction of one or more antigens with the corresponding anti serum
The type of microorganism as determined by the kind and combination of constituent antigens associated with the cell.
different antigenic strains of a microorganism.
The kind of microorganism as characterized by serologic typing (testing for recognizable antigens on the surface of the microorganism). See the entire definition of Serotype
A sub type of a class of bacteria.
Sets of antigens that characterise groups of bacteria or other micro-organisms
A group of closely related microorganisms distinguished by a characteristic set of antigens
a group of intimately related microorganisms distinguished by a common set of antigens.
A subdivision of virus strains distinguished by protein or a protein component that determines its antigenic specificity. ()