Definitions for "Shaving"
The act of one who, or that which, shaves; specifically, the act of cutting off the beard with a razor.
That which is shaved off; a thin slice or strip pared off with a shave, a knife, a plane, or other cutting instrument.
A temporary hair removal technique. A sharpened metal blade cuts hair off at the skin's surface.
Refers to a sponsor not paying you for a sale that came in through your refcode. This is a dishonest practice that is best described as fucking the affiliate, and many programs have gone out of business because they were caught doing this. Third party affiliate management programs like the ones offered by CCBill are preferred by some webmasters, since the owners of the program do not directly handle affiliate payments and thus have no opportunity to shave.
( Parasite) Technology that alters normal performance of click tracking and disrupts affiliate business.
Keywords:  kink
Keywords:  carat, depth, stone, little, across
Cutting a stone generously across the table, while allowing for very little depth. Shaving makes a stone appear to have a higher carat weight than it does.
Cutting a stone generously across the table, while allowing for very little depth. Shaving makes a stone appear to be of higher carat weight than it is.
Keywords:  scalping, die, see
See Die Scalping or Die Shaving.
Keywords:  peak, see
Keywords:  pubic, film, female, her, area
a female having her pubic area shaved on film.