Frame round any opening in floors, roofs, ceilings or walls.
The process of removing all excess plastic, such as flash, gates and runners, from the part after it has been ejected from the mold.
Veneer is rough-trimmed lengthwise to remove defects and to make the veneer suitable for bundling and shipping.
The removal of excess stitches, thread ends and backing during the finishing process.
Operation in the finishing process that involves trimming the reverse and top sides of the embroidery, including jump stitches and backing.
Removing discolored or damaged leaves or spots to give produce a fresh and uniform appearance.
Removing unwanted clay to achieve a particular form, thin a pot wall or create a foot, rim, etc. Usually done on thrown ware on the wheel, at the leather hard stage.
Removal of selvage from untrimmed wallpaper or removal of wall-paper allowance from around the door, windows, ceilings and baseboards.
k-times trimming consists of removing the k largest and k smallest observations from the data set. The k-times trimmed mean is the mean of the data that remain after the k-times trimming.
The action of cutting loose thread, removing backing, etc., from the final embroidered product.
Removing fins, gates, etc. from castings. See Casting, Gate, Fins.
The method of paring away excess clay while the leather-hard form is rotating on the potter's wheel.