To unit two pieces of metal by heating the ends until they become soft and then hammering them together. The part of the piece thus united.
The joining of two metal pieces by the process of applying localized heat at the juncture of the two and allowing them to bond together with the molten metal upon cooling. A weldment is the result of the welding process. The ability of a material to be welded is it's weldability.
a metal joint formed by softening with heat and fusing or hammering together
join together by heating; "weld metal"
unite closely or intimately; "Her gratitude welded her to him"
To join two pieces of metal by applying heat or pressure, causing them to melt in the welded area, mingle and resolidify, forming a single piece.
The fused metal seam which holds two, or more, pieces of metal together.
The joining of components together by fusing. In thermoplastics, refers to bonding together of the membrane using heat or solvents.
to join pieces of metal together by heat fusion.
To join multiple metal or PVC components together by heat fusion.
Welding is a process that joins two pieces of metal using very high heat. Rolled gold is formed in this fashion.
The process that connects pieces of material by heating until molten and fused together.
A joint between two pieces of metal formed by fusing the pieces together, usually with the aid of additional metal melted from a rod or electrode. Join two pieces of metal together by heating until fusion of material with or without filler metal.
A term used for a type of corner construction, used with vinyl and other types of windows and doors, in which a small amount of material at the two pieces are melted or softened, then pushed together to form a single piece. This is also referred to commonly as a fusion-weld.
The fusing together of metals by melting the pieces where they meet and will be joined. Use of pressure and/or a filler material may aid in the fusion.