Definitions for "Feud"
A contention or quarrel; especially, an inveterate strife between families, clans, or parties; deadly hatred; contention satisfied only by bloodshed.
A feud is a state of hatred and killing between two groups of people. It is a war by one family or tribe against another. Often a feud can begin when a member of one tribe kills a member of another in a quarrel. The dead person's friends and family kill the killer, or some member of his tribe, and so it goes on. Feuds are very difficult to stop because too many people on each side want revenge for their loved ones who have died. Back
a bitter quarrel between two parties
carry out a feud; "The two professors have been feuding for years"
a prolonged but usually intermittent hostile relationship between two groups
A series of battles between two or more wrestlers.
A combination of kindred to avenge injuries or affronts, done or offered to any of their blood, on the offender and all his race.
A stipendiary estate in land, held of a superior, by service; the right which a vassal or tenant had to the lands or other immovable thing of his lord, to use the same and take the profits thereof hereditarily, rendering to his superior such duties and services as belong to military tenure, etc., the property of the soil always remaining in the lord or superior; a fief; a fee.