A nonprofit, cooperative financial institution that tends to offer lower rates on car loans and higher rates on deposits than commercial banks.
A non-profit financial cooperative that offers financial services similar to a bank for people sharing a common bond, such as working for the same company. Credit unions often offer loans at a lower rate than traditional banks and accounts usually accrue higher interest rates. Credit Unions are regulated by the National Credit Union Administration.
A nonprofit financial institution owned by people who have something in common. You have to become a member of the credit union to keep your money there.
A group of people united by a common bond who pool their money together in order to make loans , offer credit cards and other services, and pay dividends to themselves and other members. Credit unions are democratic. That means that each member gets one vote to elect a board of directors , the people who will make decisions about running the credit union. Credit unions are not-for-profit businesses. That means that after paying interest on savings, paying all bills, and setting some money aside for emergencies and other uses, the credit union gives any money left over back to its members. It might do this directly in the form of refunds, or indirectly in the form of lower fees, lower loan interest rates or higher savings interest rates.
A special kind of bank that exists to serve a particular community, such as city employees. Credit unions operate under a different set of rules that allows them to offer better rates than other banks. You are about three times as likely to find free checking with no minimum balance at a credit union than at a regular bank, you'll generally get a better interest rate on your savings or checking accounts, and you'll likely be charged lower fees for things like bounced checks. There are drawbacks, however. Credit unions usually do not have their own ATMs, which means you may end up paying for the use of other banks' machines. You also may not receive your cancelled checks with your statements. But the biggest catch is eligibility. You may be eligible to join a credit union associated with your employer, your profession, your religious group, or even the neighborhood you live in. Or, you may be eligible to join a credit union if you have a close relative who is a member. The Credit Union National Association can help you find a credit union in your state that you may be eligible to join.
a cooperative depository financial institution whose members can obtain loans from their combined savings
a cooperative -- all of the people who keep their money there are part-owners, known as members
a cooperative, a not for profit institution, which is owned and controlled by its members
a cooperative association for pooling savings of members and making loans to them at a low rate of interest
a cooperative association incorporated to promote thrift among its members, create a source of credit for its members, and provide members the opportunity improve their economic or social condition by controlling their own money democratically
a cooperative association that utilizes funds deposited by a small group of people who are its sole borrowers and beneficiaries
a cooperative financial institution, Benefits of ownership include better rates on deposits and loans and better service
a cooperative financial institution designed to serve
a cooperatively owned financial institution
a cooperative organization owned entirely by its members and operated for the benefit of all who belong
a cooperative, organized for the purposes of promoting thrift and savings among its members, creating a
a cooperative which is a very unique type of business
a democratically controlled financial cooperative that is "not for profit, not for charity, but for service
a democratically run cooperative," Davies explained
a democratic financial Cooperative owned and controlled by its own members
a federally insured financial institution owned and controlled by its members
a financial cooperative composed solely of member-owners who share the philosophy of "not for profit, but for service
a financial co-operative owned and controlled by its members for the benefit of its members
a financial co-operative owned and operated by a group of people who agree to assist each other by saving together and then lending these savings to one another at a reasonable rate of interest
a financial institution that is owned and controlled by the people who use its services
a financial institution that provides its members and their families access to low or no-cost financial services and some of the best loan and savings rates available
a financial institution where people conduct their financial transactions
a financial organization for people with a common bond (like living in Muscatine and surrounding counties or being a member of HON INDUSTRIES)
a financial services organization which doesn't play by all the rules
a form of financial co-operative owned and run by its members, which provides both savings plans and loans
a group of people chartered to do business with each other
a group of people (identified as Members) formed around a common bond such as employment or interest
a group of people who have joined forces and cooperated to manage their own money
a group of people who join together to save money and make loans to each other at favorable rates
a group of people who join together to save money and then loan it out to each other at a small cost
a group of people who save together and lend to each other at a fair and reasonable rate of interest
a group of people who save together regularly and loan to each other at reasonable rate of interest
a group of people with a 'common bond'
a means through which people pool their savings for the mutual benefit of all
a member-owned and controlled through a board of directors elected by the membership
a member-owned financial institution with products and services targeted towards member needs
a member-owned, non-profit institution formed to encourage saving and offer low-interest loans to members
a money co-operative owned and run by its members
a mutually owned organisation, which provides a facility for savings, and provides rate-capped loans to its members from those savings
an independent not-for-profit financial corporation
a non profitable financial co-operative run by its members through an elected Board of Directors, a Credit Committee and a Supervisory Committee, all of whom are unpaid volunteers
a non-profit cooperative owned and operated by the members to provide financial services to its members
a non-profit financial co-operative
a non-profit financial institution
a nonprofit financial institution organized to provide checking and savings accounts, loans and other financial services to its members
a non-profit financial organization owned and controlled by the people who use its services
a non-profit financial partnership owned by you, our members
a non-profit making financial company which offers a convenient saving and low interest loans service to its members
a non-profit organization and is democratically owned and controlled
an organisation of people - for people
an organisation of people that save together and lend to each other at an affordable rate of interest
a not-for-profit cooperative established to meet the needs of its members
a not-for-profit cooperative, owned by a group of members who share a common bond
a "not for profit" corporation organization owned by its member depositors and is established solely for the benefit of its members
a not-for-profit, democratically controlled financial institution whose main goal is to satisfy the financial needs of its members
a not-for-profit, democratically-operated financial institution
a not-for-profit financial institution charterd by state or federal government
a not-for-profit financial institution dedicated to serving the needs of its members through affordable products and services
a not-for-profit financial institution offering services similar to a bank, but because it's operated as a not-for-profit and owned by its members rather than stock holders, generally offers higher interest on investments and lower interest on loans
a not for profit financial institution organized to provide financial services to its members
a not-for-profit financial institution owned and controlled by all people who use its services
a not-for-profit financial institution run for the benefit of its members
a not-for-profit financial institution that offers many of the same services as banks
a not-for-profit financial institution with membership based on a common characteristic, such as place of employment
a not-for-profit member owned financial co-operative
a not-for-profit organisation which offers a convenient saving and low interst loans service to it's members Anyone living or working in Castle Vale can apply to join
a not-for-profit version of a bank
a people oriented financial institution
a place where a group of people save their money and borrow money to buy things like cars and homes
a pool of money saved by the members, existing for the use of the members
a profit sharing, democratically run financial co-operative which offers convenient savings and low interest loans to its members
a savings and loans co-operative run by its members for its members
a self-help co-operative whose members pool their savings to provide each other with credit at a low interest rate
a truly unique financial institution -- one which is owned by its members
a type of financial institution that is like a bank, but is owned by its members and run for the benefit of the members
All you need to know about the Madeley Credit Union. View page
an organisation able to lend money at fair interest rates to poorer people
A mutual association formed by persons with a common affiliation such as employees, a union or a religious group in which pooled savings are made. The funds are invested for appreciation and members may borrow at competitive rates.
A financial institution owned by its members (who share a mutual bond, usually working for the same company or industry) in which only members may make deposits or borrow money.
A not-for-profit organisation owned by its members providing Saving and loan facilities for its members.
Credit unions are financial cooperatives set up by employee and community associations, labor unions, church organizations. They are created to provide affordable financial and lending services to members of the sponsoring organization, or in some case, to rural or economically disadvantaged areas.
Credit Union is a savings and lending institution with the aim to provide its members with financial services and gains to benefit themselves and their families in the future. Credit Unions offer many services that benefit their members. Queensland Teachers' Credit Union offers services such as financial planning, motor vehicle consultants, insurance, and travel, as well as loans, savings accounts and the like. Credit Unions use their profits to benefit their members; they use their members' savings to lend to fellow members, rather than relying upon profits earned through fees and charges. Therefore you will find that a Credit Union offers minimal fees and charges on its accounts and loans, with only industry wide fees and charges applying.
A financial co-operative, which is owned and controlled by its members. As well as being a good savings option, with successful credit unions paying an annual dividend of up to 8%, the money saved can be used to make low interest loans to other credit union members. Only people who come within the common bond of the credit union can join it and make use of its services. The credit union is directed and controlled by a volunteer Board of Directors.
A nonprofit cooperative organization that provides banking and financial services such as mortgages, home improvement loans, and home equity loans to its members.
A state or federally chartered financial cooperative organization of individuals with a common bond (i.e., employment or labor union). Credit unions accept deposits of members' savings and transaction balances in the form of share accounts, pay dividends on them out of earnings and primarily provide consumer credit to members. The federal regulator for credit unions is the National Credit Union Administration.
Non-profit, member-owned, financial cooperatives operated entirely by and for members. When you deposit money in a credit union, you become a member of the union because your deposit is considered partial ownership in the organization.
A cooperative organization composed of people who share a common bond, such as employees of a large company. Credit unions often offer their member’s specific benefits, such as lower interest rates.
A nonprofit, cooperative financial institution owned and controlled by the people who use its services, usually a group such as employees in the same company or industry. Credit unions historically have been able to offer lower rates and fees and still operate in the black. Credit unions rely on a financial reserve to absorb unexpected losses from loan defaults or other financial setbacks, and the majority of credit unions carry federal deposit insurance that protects individual accounts up to a specified amount in the event the credit union fails.
A non-profit cooperative organization that provides banking, financial services and loans to their members.
A cooperative which operates similarly to a bank, but is owned and controlled by people who use its services.
A non-profit making co-operative savings association that makes loans to its members at low interest and encourages saving.
This is a member-owned financial institution, either state or federally chartered. Credit unions are often more competitive than banks and savings and loan associations because its nonprofit status makes its operating costs lower.
A cooperative financial institution, chartered by a state or federal government, which is member-owned. Credit Unions serve groups that share something in common, such as where they work, live, or go to church. They are not-for-profit institutions, and exist to provide a safe, convenient place for members to save money and get loans at reasonable rates.
A not-for-profit financial cooperative chartered by the state or federal government and, in most cases, insured by the federal government. It is owned by the members of the credit union.
Organization formed by a homogeneous group for banking purposes, e.g., a government employee's credit union.
A nonprofit cooperative financial institution that provides credit to its members. Credit unions often pay slightly higher rates of interest on passbook-type savings accounts and charge lower rates on consumer loans.
These are Non-For-Profit financial institutions that are usually formed by employees of a company or various types of labor unions. They operate as a cooperative. Credit Unions usually offer the same financial services as a traditional bank, however have an element of savings on various types of loans and other banking activities.
Nonprofit cooperative organizations that provide banking and financial services, including mortgages, home improvement loans and home equity loans, to their members.
A democratically owned and controlled nonprofit financial cooperative that offers a variety of savings and lending services to members.
A credit union is a not-for-profit financial institution owned and operated by its members. Credit unions provide their members with a safe and sound institution to save and borrow at reasonable and affordable rates. A volunteer board elected by members manages each credit union. Credit unions exist to serve their member/owners and are often able to offer favorable rates on savings and loans. Members are united by a common bond of association and democratically operate the credit union under state or federal regulation.
a financial institution that is owned by its depositors and borrowers
A nonprofit, cooperative financial institution owned and run by its members. Members pool their funds to make loans to one another. The volunteer board that runs each credit union is elected by the members. Most credit unions are organized to serve people in a particular community, group or groups of employees, or members of an organization or association.
a financial intermediary that is based on co-operative principles and are usually formed by residents of a particular community, members of a religious congregation, employees of a business or government, or members of some voluntary or fraternal organization. Page 354
A financial institution that is owned and run by its members. It is a nonprofit, cooperative institution that offers members a place to save and borrow. A credit union often works by having its members pool their funds so additional loans can be made to other members.
Member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative formed for the purpose of encouraging savings by offering a good return, using collective monies to make loans at competitively low interest rates to members, and providing other financial services. Members are united by a common bond of association and democratically operate the credit union under state or federal regulation.
A financial co-operative supervised by the Australian Financial Institutions Commission. Generally funds come from an individual, community or employment.
A not-for-profit financial cooperative whose members own it. You are eligible to join a particular credit union if you belong to the field of membership defined in its charter . All members have the right to democratically elect a board of directors . The board gives the credit union's management and staff general instructions. Historically, credit unions encourage thrift among members and provide them with credit at a low rate.
This is a company that takes deposits and makes loans to its members. Credit unions often provide favorable interest rates.
A cooperative organization chartered by a state government or the federal government for the purpose of collecting savings from members and making loans to members at a low interest rate.
a cooperative financial institution that provides consumer financial services for members of a specified group as de-fined by its charter (CUs may be federally or state chartered)
Financial cooperative organization of individuals who have a common bond, such as a place of employment, residence, or membership in a labor union. Credit unions accept deposits from members, pay interest (in the form of dividends) on the deposits out of earnings, and use their funds mainly to provide consumer installment loans to members.
A co-operative organisation that provides loans to its members.
A not-for-profit financial institutions typically formed by employees of a company, a labor union, or a religious group and operated as a cooperative. Credit Unions may offer a full range of financial services and pay higher rates on deposits and charge lower rates on loans than commercial banks. Federally chartered credit unions are regulated and insured by the National Credit Union Administration. See also National Credit Union Administration.
A co-operative, non-bank institution for loans and personal savings.
Nonprofit cooperative organization providing banking and financial services such as home improvement loans, home equity loans and mortgages to its members.
A credit union is a cooperative financial institution that is owned and controlled by its members. Credit unions differ from traditional financial institutions (banks, savings and loan, etc.) in that the members who have accounts in the credit union are the credit union's owners.