For multi-level marketing: all those participants whose sales result in a commission for X. These lie in the descent group of X (descent defined by recruitment). For money chain letters: all those letters with X's name and address on the senders list.
In a network or multi-level marketing company, your downline are the recruits that you find to also join the company. In multi-level arrangements, your downline will also include the recruits of your recruits.
Refers to affiliates who are below you in the T-Net network.
1. A device that is at the terminal end of a connection to the computer is referred to as being downline. When devices are connected to a computer, they are connected in a line. Downline is a direction relative to the computer. See also upline. 2. If more than one computer is connected in a line, the upline computers usually handle data processing and the downline computers usually handle data collection and sometimes some data preprocessing.
a group of folks who have either
a group of people you rec
a group of people you recr Read More
a group of people you recrui
a group of people you recruit to sell your product, and you get a percentage of their sales
a lot harder to build for mlm and takes work
a network of people you have managed to convince to join the program
a tree or structure of people which you have under you in a program or business
Downline is a multilevel marketing term that refers to the distributors sponsored directly in your group, as well as those sponsored by other distributors below.
The people one recruited (his referrals), plus the people they recruited, and so on.
The people in your organization who have either been personally sponsored by you or placed their by those in your upline through "spill-over."
In a Multi-Level Marketing business, the collection of all people signed up underneath an individual on which the individual receives payment on their sales.
A term usually used by Network (MLM) Marketers, but also used in multi-tiered affiliate programs. Anyone who subscribes through your link, or is placed "under" you by the program is part of your downline. Another term often used to describe your downline is "sub-affiliates". In most cases, you earn some sort of partial commission when anyone in your downline sells a product.
A multi-level marketing (MLM) term. Members you recruit to join an opportunity 'under' you; typically you make a percentage from the sales made by your downline. Often hyped up as the 'easy way' to make extra money.
All Members and Express Customers who have joined AIM through you—whether you personally sponsored them or you are upline from their personal sponsor. Your downline Members and Express Customers are sometimes referred to as your organization, network, or group.
all distributors and customers who are in an organization that have been personally sponsored and their downlines as well as distributors and customers who have been placed in an organization by upline distributors.
Preferred Customers and distributors bel...more Preferred Customers and distributors below a particular distributor.
All the people recruited as distributors into a network marketing / MLM company constitute that company's downline. Your downline consists of everyone whom you recruit, who is recruited by your recruits, and so on.
Those people directly sponsored by an IMA, plus all the people whose line of sponsorship resulted from and came through that IMA. Your Downline consists of all IMAs on your Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, etc, through unlimited depth. ( See “Level”)
The Amway® distributors who fall below you in a line of sponsorship. As a distributor, your downline consists of anyone you bring into (sometimes referred to as sign up or sponsor) the Amway® business. Your downline also includes anyone they sponsor and so on.
The distributors recruited by a given distributor who receives commissions on their sales and the sales of the distributors they recruit.