Definitions for "Return Code"
a code passed to the operating environment that indicates whether the execution of a command or job step completed successfully.
a numeric value that indicates whether a request was successful. A return code can also indicate a specific error or warning.
The return status of the request which specifies whether the transfer was successful and why. Possible "Success" codes are: 200 = Success: OK 201 = Success: Created 202 = Success: Accepted 203 = Success: Partial Information 204 = Success: No Response 300 = Success: Redirected 301 = Success: Moved 302 = Success: Found 303 = Success: New Method 304 = Success: Not Modified Possible "Failed" codes are: 400 = Failed: Bad Request 401 = Failed: Unauthorized 402 = Failed: Payment Required 403 = Failed: Forbidden 404 = Failed: Not Found 500 = Failed: Internal Error 501 = Failed: Not Implemented 502 = Failed: Overloaded Temporarily 503 = Failed: Gateway Timeout
Keywords:  odbc, function, value
The value returned by an ODBC function.
The part of a message used to return information about the result of an invocation. See "Parameter word".