Definitions for "Smudge"
Keywords:  smear, sage, smutch, smoke, purify
A suffocating smoke.
A heap of damp combustibles partially ignited and burning slowly, placed on the windward side of a house, tent, or the like, in order, by the thick smoke, to keep off mosquitoes or other insects.
That which is smeared upon anything; a stain; a blot; a smutch; a smear.
Smudge is a Sydney pop band, which has been around since 1991. The group is fronted by vocalist and guitarist, Tom Morgan who co-authored The Lemonheads breakthrough 1992 album It's A Shame About Ray as well as a number of other hits for that group.
n. Pronunciation of the acronym SMG (SubMachineGun); thus, a submachinegun.
Keywords:  glasgow, feline, celebrity, died, minor
Smudge (died 2000) was a feline that became a minor celebrity in Glasgow.
Keywords:  blemish, cheek, dirt, his
a blemish made by dirt; "he had a smudge on his cheek"
A defect or contamination found on the wafer caused by fingerprints.
Keywords:  smoky, insects, drive, fire
a smoky fire to drive away insects
Keywords:  guy, great, business
a great guy to do business with
Keywords:  debris, dark, film, rolling, sheet
A dark film of debris, sometimes covering large areas, deposited on the sheet during rolling.
Keywords:  soil
make a smudge on; soil by smudging