Definitions for "Tamp"
Keywords:  firmly, pack, tobacco, taps, unlit
To drive in or down by frequent gentle strokes; as, to tamp earth so as to make a smooth place.
To pack loose material down firmly with repeated blows.
a tool for tamping (e.g., for tamping tobacco into a pipe bowl or a charge into a drill hole etc.)
press down tightly; "tamp the coffee grinds in the container to make espresso"
A tamper is a hand-held device with a flat or convex base used during the preparation of a shot of espresso to compress ground coffee into a puck, within the portafilter's basket. Tampers vary in weight, diameter, and design. Generally, the diameter should match that of the basket, and the weight of ornamental designs is of personal preference.
In blasting, to plug up with clay, earth, dry sand, sod, or other material, as a hole bored in a rock, in order to prevent the force of the explosion from being misdirected.
Keywords:  compact, rakes, lumber, soil, ram
The process of compacting concrete with rakes or short lengths of lumber.
To ram or compact the soil.
Pound or press soil to compact it.