Definitions for "EEI"
a non-profit trade association for the investor-owned utilities. Its charter includes lobbying for the benefit of the electric utilities as well as promoting the industry.
The Edison Electric Institute is an association of electric companies born in 1933 to exchange information concerning industry developments and to function as an advocate in behalf of the utilities on subjects of national interest.
Edison Electric Institute is a national trade organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. Its members provide over 78% of the nation’s electricity and serve over 75% of the electric customers in the country.
Estaci& n Espacial Internacional
Essential Element of Information. The info-nuggets on which a mission is planned and executed.
Essential elements of information; an outline to be used for collecting intelligence on a particular topic.
Erroneous Energy Indebtedness
Energy Efficiency Index
External Environment Interface
Keywords:  early, initiative, education, see
see Early Education Initiative.