A Postgraduate degree, e.g. MA (Master of Arts), MSc (Master of Science)
The degree awarded after a student has completed his/her bachelor's degree and designated graduate study program. After receiving a bachelorâ€(tm)s degree, a masterâ€(tm)s degree program generally required two additional years of study, although the length of the program can vary.
An award that requires the successful completion of a program of study of at least the full-time equivalent of 1 but not more than 2 academic years of work beyond the bachelor's degree.
a graduate degree awarded to a student upon successful completion of a post-baccalaureate program
a graduate program involving specialized knowledge and study in one area and is awarded when the postgraduate has completed the course which can be for one or two years
a graduate program that involves specialized knowledge and concentrated study in one area and generally awarded for completion of a postgraduate course of one to two years in duration
an academic degree conferred by a college or university upon those who complete at least one year of prescribed study beyond the bachelor's degree
an academic degree generally awarded for completion of a postgraduate course of one to two years
an academic degree usually awarded for completion
an academic degree usuallyawarded for completion of a postgraduate course of one or two years induration
an (An award conferred by a college or university signifying that the recipient has satisfactorily completed a course of study
a post-baccalaureate degree
a type of graduates degree, given after one to two years of additional study beyond the bachelors
A postgraduate award course in which students have to complete subjects worth 96 credit points. Masters degrees usually take one or two years of full-time study to complete (or longer if completed part-time). Non-award study Non-award study gives you the opportunity to undertake single subjects from UTS undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs. You study in the same classes as students completing UTS courses, but you are not enrolled in a degree program and the subjects you study don't go towards a degree from UTS.
The award designating the completion of an academic program requiring one to two years of full-time equivalent preparation beyond the bachelor's degree.
Provides a mastery or high-order overview of a releva nt field of study or area of professional practice. Medal A Faculty may recommend the award of a Medal to students qualified for an award, whose academic performance is judged outstanding within the requirements for the specified medal.
a qualification that builds on the knowledge and skills of a Bachelor degree, requires more demanding and intensive study and includes supervised research. (See Register for more details) Back to A-Z menu