An agreement in the nature of a contract between government agencies about how to interpret laws or regulations. Sometimes called a Memorandum of Agreement.
an agreement between ministers defining the roles and responsibilities of each ministry in relation to the other or others, with respect to matters over which the ministers have concurrent jurisdiction.
An agreement with a non-employee independent contractor or with another agency for the purchase of services. The contracting agency in general will: 1) develop a list of potential providers; 2) make a decision as to which potential providers meet minimum program standards; 3) complete a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with selected providers; and 4) monitor the services provided through the MOU.
An agreement developed and executed by two or more parties that describes the parties’ responsibilities in the pursuit of some goal(s).
An MOU between FDA and a regulatory agency in another country allows mutual recognition of inspections.
a bilateral agreement between NASA and each International Partnerâ€(tm)s Space Agency which implements the provisions of the IGA by detailing the roles and responsibilities of the space agencies and recording the commitments of those.
The purpose of this document is to define the expectations, terms and conditions of the working relationship between two (2) parties. It is frequently the predecessor to a formal agreement.
An agreement between MCFD and CLBC that governs how the transfer of children's services and programs will occur.
The MOU is an agreement between a group of experimenters and the Jefferson Lab Director that sets forth the commitments of all parties involved for all phases of the experiment.
(MOU)(1) A written memorandum prepared jointly by the representatives of a public agency and an employee organization setting forth the terms and conditions of the employment relationship which they have agreed upon; the MOU is not itself binding, but if its provisions are approved by the agency's legislative body, they are binding as enactments of the agency. (See Government Code 3505.1). (2) A written memorandum prepared jointly by two or more entities setting forth the terms and conditions of the relationship which they have agreed upon.
An agreement that documents the desire of involved parties to engage in a particular course of action.
a formal agreement in principle between two parties.
An agreement reached between the State of California and a union specifying the negotiated contract between the parties. Used synonymously with contract, labor contract, or Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Written documentation of a set of agreements and expectations between two or more parties.
An agreement between two parties. With regard to ASAs, it is a less formal type of agreement that may be as binding as a formal agreement and may cover scheduled and/or non-scheduled international air services.
A memorandum of understanding is a signed document, which sets out a commonly agreed framework to govern relations between financial agencies within a country or between countries that could be publicly released or treated as a (sensitive) internal document. For instance, a central bank might make an agreement with the government about agency functions that it performs, and sign a memorandum of understanding to clarify the agreement. Financial agencies can also use signed memoranda of understanding to clarify the procedures for the exchange of information or consultation arrangements.
An official agreement establishing the principles that will guide the implementation of programs or projects.
A written agreement between a district attorney and a defendant's attorney to admit the defendant to pretrial diversion, contingent upon the defendant's compliance with the memorandum's conditions.
A contractual arrangement between the campus and another party that stipulates the terms and conditions under which specific work is performed.
a written agreement that serves to clarify relationships and responsibilities between two or more organizations that share services, clients, or resources.
A clarification of some aspects of the Framework Agreement agreed between UCEA and AUT in March 2004.
A document providing a general description of the responsibilities that are to be assumed by two or more parties in their pursuit of some goal(s). More specific information may be provided in an associated SOW.
the written agreement (August 1988) whereby the Army and Federal Emergency Management Agency have agreed to collaborate on the emergency preparedness aspects of the Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program.
An MOU is a written statement detailing the preliminary understanding of parties who plan to enter into a contract of some other agreement. An MOU between the Pennsylvania Departments of Education, Labor and Industry, Public Welfare and Health has launched a cross agency effort around providing services to youth and young adults with disabilities that has gained national attention as a Community of Practice (CoP) on Secondary Transition. The members of the CoP who are representatives of ten offices within the four departments, meet on a regular basis to advance policy and practice around several issues impacting the successful adult outcomes for these youth. The team has jointly sponsored several cross agency projects including statewide conferences and employment expositions.
A memorandum of understanding (MOU) is a legal document describing a bilateral agreement between parties. It expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action, rather than a legal commitment. It is a more formal alternative to a gentlemen's agreement, but generally lacks the binding power of a contract.