Definitions for "Lithuania"
a republic in northeastern Europe on the Baltic Sea
a prospering country,
Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania Ministry of Finance Customs Department Department of Statistics
Keywords:  litas, ltl
Keywords:  secam, pal
During most of this period, particularly in the 17th Century, the Lithuanian army was little different in organisation or dress than the Polish army, with its size being typically around one third of the Polish forces. Especially earlier, they would have contained significant numbers of Tartars and used their looser tactics. However the Lithuanian nobility were in many ways more Polish than the Poles and they had a reputation for being wild. Go back
a constitutional parliamentary democracy
BITE (mobile operator Website
Portal to Lithuanian public sector information sites. Website in Lithuanian. Online tax declaration. Site in Lithuanian.
A3 Adverse political or economic circumstances may lead to a worsening payment record that is already lower than the previous categories, although the probability of a payment default is still low.
Keywords:  glossary, accounting
Lithuania accounting glossary