A new European tax publisher has arrived on the web: Shelton International Tax Counsel, with a splendid page on Danish tax, Taxation in Denmark. Mondaq's in-depth series of tax and business advice pages has a good section on Denmark - Materials on Danish Tax Rules. (Mondaq asks you to register - no charge.) And Denmark is also one of the countries who tax systems are summarized in the Price Waterhouse series.
The danish krone entered the ERMII in 1999, when the euro was created. Since then, it floats against the euro in +-15% range. In Denmark a referendum on joining the euro was held on September 28, 2000, resulting in a 53.2% vote against joining. It is uncertain if a new referendum will be held in the near future. Note: should Denmark join the euro, Greenland, which is not part of the EU, but of Denmark, would have to hold a separate referendum to decide whether it wants to switch to the euro. The outcome of this possibility is uncertain, as current trends seem to favour independence from Denmark.