A regulatory sequence in eukaryotic DNA (rarely in prokaryotic DNA) that may be located at a great distance from the gene it controls. Binding of specific proteins to an enhancer modulates the rate of transcription of the associated gene. ( Figure 10-34)
cis-acting DNA regulatory sequence elements that are located near the promoters of eukaryotic genes. These elements enhance transcription from any nearby promoters. Enhancers function independently of their position or orientation relative to the promoter.
A cis-regulatory sequence that can elevate levels of transcription from an adjacent promoter. Many tissue specific enhancers can determine spatial patterns of gene expression in higher eukaryotes. Enhancers can act on promoters over many tens of kilobases of DNA and can be 5' or 3' to the promoter they regulate. A eukaryotic DNA sequence that increases transcription of a region even if the enhancer is distant from the region being transcribed.
In eukaryotes, a DNA sequence, lying on either side of the gene it regulates, that stimulates a specific promoter.
DNA sequence that is bound by regulatory proteins that enhance the rate of transcription of a gene that may be thousands of base pairs distal to the enhancer sequence.
Regulatory DNA sequence to which gene regulatory proteins bind, influencing the rate of transcription of a structural gene that can be many thousands of base pairs away.
a cis- actin g nucleotide sequence to which transcription factor (s) bind, and which increases the transcription of a gene
a mutation in the sought-for gene that engenders a more severe phenotype than that caused by the mutation of a single, already characterized gene
a sequence which enhances transcription of a promoter and which can be placed in any orientation with respect to the promoter and can function upstream or downstream of a gene, to enhance transcription
a site on DNA to which a complex of transcription factors bind to affect the availability of the promoter to RNA polymerase
a specific DNA sequence that is recognized by a transcriptional activator
DNA sequence in a gene which enhances the action of that gene’s promoter
sequence segment on the DNA that increases the expression (production) of a gene product
DNA sequence which increases transcription of a related gene.
Regulatory genetic elements that interact with genes to increase their expression.
Chromosomal sequences responsible for up-regulating the activity of an associated promoter. May function in either orientation, and may be upstream, downstream, or even embedded within an intron of the gene being regulated.
A regulatory sequence that increases the rate of transcription of a gene or genes.
A short DNA base sequence that is a binding site for an activator protein.
In genetics, an enhancer is a short region of DNA that can be bound with proteins (namely, the trans-acting factors, much like a set of transcription factors) to enhance transcription levels of genes (hence the name) in a gene-cluster. An enhancer does not need to be particularly close to the genes it acts on, and need not be located on the same chromosome. The structure of the chromatin complex of DNA is folded in such a way that although the DNA is far from the genes in nucleotides, it is geometrically close to the promoter and gene.