To draw or pull through the water, as a vessel of any kind, by means of a rope.
A rope by which anything is towed; a towline, or towrope.
That which is towed, or drawn by a towline, as a barge, raft, collection of boats, ect.
To draw a ship in the water by a rope fixed to a boat or other ship which is rowing or sailing on.
On or more barges attached together and ready for moving.
to push or pull vessels on a waterway; also refers to the unit comprised of the towing vessel and the vessels being towed or only the vessels being towed.
drag behind; "Horses used to tow barges along the canal"
To pull; also, one or more barges or other floating vessels in charge of a self-propelled vessel which is transporting it or them.
To pull a boat with another boat, such as a tugboat towing a barge.
when one or more vessels are being towed; when a tug is towing one or more floating objects; to pull an object in the water by means of a rope.